Hey Forgehub, Dont you just think its awesome when you log on to a site and it has this wicked awesome slogan that just makes you want to join that site right there and THEN!!!! WELL..... WHATS STOPING FORGEHUB. I gotz a game for you guys first of all tell me if you want a slogan on the site and if you have a nifty little slogan tell us it. Then Forgehub will have a awesome Slogan!!!! if they ever decide to have one.... So what do you think the slogan should be? bye bye.
how about forgehub have a screen that starts out like this: www.wcremix.com or GameRenders - Your Source For Free Gaming Renders like a forum, or home thing
Either stop being spammy, or get this moved to Off Topic. And as for a slogan...I personally think that it's not necessary. People who come to FH know what they're coming for.
I completely agree with Nemi. One of the great things about Forgehub is that it isn't like everyother forum. But here's my contribution: Forgehub Needs more interlocking.
I agree with Linou for agreeing with Nemi. Lol, but my slogan is quite similer with Linous, although more powerful meaning. "Forgehub: Needs less interlocking." The reason I think it has more of a powerful meaning, is well because if people see that it says "Needs less interlocking" will think FH is full of interlocking and great interlocked maps. I'm not saying that everyone absolutely loves interlocking, it's just that many people do.
just a fun game i put together to see what people would comes up with but no one likes games i guess =(
I would say either linubidix's or something like Forgehub: Where the only limit is the item limit. Literally. Or there could be several messages like on bungie.
I just though of a few and yes its going to be another one of my long lists: "If its not interlocked, it sucks" "Nemi is here, so is Titmar" "Lulz we made that base ur standing on!" "Filling up your custom content limit since Dec 07 (My fav)" "Now with more maps since the last time you've bin here!" "Its forgetastic!" "Total girls: 2" "Puts the F U in FUN!" "102% hip with 2% margin of error" "We have a debate forum!" All I can think of right now
Exactly what i was going to suggest I do not really think that Forge Hub needs a slogan though. Its simple but it works.
UBER WIN! i hear you, lets do that, at the begining, you will see two pics with names underneath them one side with Forgehub, one with Gorillahub! or we could use...i think its (Tex's) sig, the thing where it says: "if your map is not interlocked and geolocked perfectly, then it sucks. Period. Welcome to forgehub" Edit: This is in the wrong forum, please ask a mod to move it, it should go in the "Customer service thread" that is where people post suggestions