so this is my first post here at forgehub but i have been visiting and appreciating the site for at least a couple months now. it is the same kind of a situation with forging, i have done quite a few maps but this is the first one that i thought would be up to par for you guys. i have always had trouble with weapon placement on halo maps and even spawn points but i have put probably 30+ hours into this map and thats all i need now is some help with weapon placement and maybe some spawn points. the map was inspired (not replicated) by area 51 from perfect dark back in the day when the 64 was the console. so if anyone with some experience wouldn't mind helping me out i would very much appreciate it. my gamertag is PanicxDisco and feel free to just send me an email or whatever
Debo37 is also very good with weapon placement. He wrote guide to it. I'd post a link to this guide but I cannot find it anywhere. It's either in Halo Forge Discussion or just Halo Discussion.
I would be happy to help you with weapon placement. If you PM me then ill get abck to you asap on it. What timezone are you in?
thanks everybody for your help i got some help from linu and i will probably be posting my map later on today
simple i can help you, almost, anytime. just ask me when im online, and ill help you ASAP, i might be trying to get my 40, so let me finish that match
try to but brs and common wepons in a common place to go and power wepons out of the way spawns should be in corners and in bundles of 3 for team games jus a few tips would know better if you put a few pics up