i have a ton of friends, usually playing COD4 or Halo. but if i want to play Madden 08, or any of my other sports games, some of my FPS, etc, theres usually nobody on (my friends list at least). So if you have one of these games, and want to play with someone whos not uber 1337 but not a n00b (as in me), send me an invite or somethin Madden 08 All-Pro Football 2k8 NBA 2k7 MLB 2k7 NHL 08 one sec, gonna go downstairs and check on my games, mind just went blank...ill edit this post in a sec... ok heres the rest Orange Box Guitar Hero 3 Guitar Hero 2 Rock Band Fight Night 3 PGR3 Splinter Cell: Double Agent Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory ESPN NFL 2k5
we should make a FH band :squirrel_wtf: i play drums on hard for most songs and im decent at guitar (hard level mostly) but i like drums alot more...and i dont think GH2 does online
Yes you can, you just can't compete against specific people. You can create a private group and invite friends to just play songs with you. As far as the topic itself is concerned, I'll play NCAA '08 just about any time with people. I also have Rock Band and Guitar Hero 3, but I can't remember much beyond that. I'll have to check my collection when I get home.
The problem might be that you can't do it in World Tour. I believe the only way to do it is Multiplayer Quickplay. It might be called something different as I'm at work and can't check on my 360.
Dude, i am all about Forza 2... i ahvent played that in a while... i got almost every achievement in that damn game it took forever
The only other game I think i've played with someone online is Crackdown .... oter than that it's only been Halo 3 and COD4 ....
At least I hinted at the right name in my first post! For Rock Band, I can play Expert Guitar/Bass and I'm about 50/50 on Expert/Hard Drums depending on the song. As for my singing... not so great.