To Start Things Off..this is my first map.....wasnt too hard to make but i promised a map last month and well..i havent worked everrything out on that one so anyway..this is to tide you over... The retired Training Facility of VOI, and once a Paintball game for kids, Bashers Pit is now a place to settle arguments, differences and hate for one another. The Figure 8 shaped arena is filled with storage items, armor, vehicles, explosives and obsolete weapons. Sentient beings angry at one another battle as their ammo runs dry, and their body becomes drenched…with blood. The Primary Weapon given is a one Plasma Pistol, but with scattered weapons in the arena they are quickly disposed of… In Order to test the endurance skill and speed of the “contestants” areas will light up in which they have to control for a set amount of time the first to reach 150 seconds in the constantly moving area will be the champion. Bashers Pit(MAP): Bash and Mash(GAMETYPE): 6-8 Players Speed & Shields Normal Hill Moves 15 seconds Hill Traits None. Weapons Start:Plasma pistol On Map: Battle Riflex2 Magnum x4 SMGsx4 Shotgunx1 Rocket Launcherx1 Flamethrowerx1 Needlerx4 Mauler x1 Sentinel Beamx2 Gravity Hammerx4 Carbinex2 There is other goodies on the map such as bubble shields over-shields… but the location of these… are classified Creator Notes: I Do Realize that it is easy to “get out” of the arena… I figured that because it’s KoTH that people would want to stay and get points, and if someone was getting totally raped they could jump out and go thru the teleporter to get a bit of and edge on the hill…so that’s why its like that….if you don’t like it that way I can change it. ALSO A BIG THANKS TO ALL WHO TESTED IT!!(not the whole list...) TxsOutlaw003 ShadwViper The Texan83 FirstXboXKid Bl00d F1R3 Linubidix Hotpokkaminny and many others who joined the parties thanks Anyway ENJOY! Bashers Pit(MAP) : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Bash and Mash(GAMETYPE) : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing POUND IT
looks liek fun you can get out of the ap just about anywhere mabey add someother weapons beside power ones nice interlocking and floating objects
Yeah, as you stated int he original post you can easily get out, so I'd fix that by adding another layer of boxes and put a roof on that. Looks very extreme, I'd try and remove the fusion coils or the person in the hill won't even have a chance at survival. I'll give it a 70%, keep it up!
Lol...the hill is ment to be really thats why the coils are there...ill work on a V2 and see if it has the same "effect" as this one with a second set of boxes
I know it's supposed to be really crazy, but if you think about it there's no strategy involved. I like crazy gametypes, but if you're really good you can't really win in this, anyway, you know? BTW, How often do the coils explode?
That's a little better, but I still think there shouldn't be so many. However, that's just my opinion, so you can keep it however you want.
Looks like a fun king of the hill map. The only problem is that you can get out of the map. Which i dont know why you would want to do that
Over all looks great! There is nice interlocking, I like the shape, and gameplay looks extremely fun. The map looks nicely constructed and well thought out. The only thing that concerns me is how easy it would be to break out of this map. If you were going to make a second version I would suggest you add a second or even third layer on top of the boxes you already have. Other than that, I am impressed and great job. The weapons look like it would add much which definetly adds to the fun factor of the gametype. Congratulations on making a great and unique map!
Your map is missing a few things. People are able to get out of the map. The map doesn't have many cover points but the interlocking is okay. The rocket is tilted. You could probably straighten this map up some. 70/100