nice love the screenies and the download link didn't the the A sign part dont no why tho lol looks great...
pretty nice i like the flower it need more intelocking not th ebestthingto look at but ohh well gameplay looks amazing if you make a v2 might want to interlock thefloors the middle section looks kinda cramped may want to make an alternate route around back or something
They are actually great, below are some pics that will show it's awesomeness... Ya, we tackled spawn killing best we could. It isn't flawless, however, a map with only 2 sides to really spawn at limit possibilities. Glad you liked it. The floor is interlocked, however, has some uneven surfaces, this does not really affect gameplay however. And the middle section I feel is no way cramped, but just right for a map like this. Well i finally got to play the updated (posted) version of this map, and it was great fun. It seriously plays great. It is a simple map, simple gameplay, lots of fun. And I am not just saying that cause I owned (as long as Vorpal wasn't on the otther team...) Now I will post my epic killing spree... Uno! Dos! Tres! Catorce! See, killing spree but wait? what's this? Spoiler Killtacular Muthar ****her!
Shweet you posted it. Well i had alot of fun on this the 1 time i played on it, granted i got my butt kicked to your constant and uncany ability to stick me as i beat you down, or come charging at you. perhaps to make it fair, next time we take of the sticky grenades when playing against you. too many broken dreams and charges have befallen to you my friend, to many...... now on to the map. it is well made and the scenery outside is a nice touch. the shield doors you added look very nice, and im interested to find out how it effects gameplay. ill come back with a review, once i pull myself from the drowning amount of homework i now have on a daily basis, to give you a review im sure will be more than satisfactory.
Looks pretty fun 4/5, some suggestions from me are to interlock the floor, this is not a need too but wich makes the map look better even though it does not effect gamplay
Of course I'd do that. Yeah, like sweeny said, we did the spawns the best we could. And the shield doors are very nice. I'm glad sweeny introduced them to the map. The post confused me. I don't know what you're talking about... but... ok? No more interlocking is going to happen Sorry. Plus the middle area is not cramped. With this size it provides good cover. With the shape of an H... there is no back route. (Unless we did teleporters, but that'd be even worse) Haha, lawlz, that's awesome. Fun time. I wish you took the screenshot without it showing your name, but I guess it's ok. I'll add it to the main ones. I nearly forgot you were one of the people who tested it out a bit. Haha, yeah, I am pretty beast when it comes to sticking on this map. Even though there's only two. xD Also, thanks for a more detailed reply than others. Can't wait to see this review. =] Yeah, I know. Don't worry. But reworking the whole floor would take a rather long time. I'd do it, but I've got way too much stuff on my plate already. It's fine as it is and wont get reworked... unless sweeny decides to do it. Which I doubt because he's also got work to do.
Mmmm, very nice, I like your Tool maps. Interlocking, though you may find it unnessecary is aesthetically pleasing, which makes people enjoy your map more. (duh). 4/5, simply due to it's lack of aesthetics, though I'm sure it plays excellently. PS: try doing a map for Hooker with a *****. See how that turns out.
alright, sorry for getting to it so late, but here i am. i cannot top what you did on my post, but i will do what i can. im terrible at writing long paragraphs. H. has a very unique thing going on for it. The layout isnt anything new, but if it aint broke, dont fix it. It is a very small map, and its full of chaos. Things happen rather quickly. Surprisingly, the Spawning isnt really that horrible. You'll spawn in battle, but you arent dead the moment you spawn, as is the case in maps even twice this size. I like the weapon selection, and it fits the maps flow and design. I honestly dont think i wouldve done it any different. While i would've like the small cracks in the floor sealed up, i realize its only because im a freakin **** with clean-cut construction. We all forget the days when maps didnt have interlocking, and we focused on the fact that gameplay was kickin ass. Aside from that one little dislike, i think you pulled this map off brilliantly. The materials were well used and you knew exactly how the map would come together. The fencewalls allow long range battles and are great for picking off people who are guarding their flag. Aesthetically, you did well too. The mauler spawn is very nice to look at for the .01 seconds before someone takes it and mauls you in the face. I love the fact that you changed the shield doors from vertical to diagonal. It not only seems more effective, but it gives the map such a unique and awesome quality to it. I was glad to test out the map before it was done, and i think you did a wonderful job with it. Keep on forgin man John
I didn't get about half of that post, all I understood was the interlocking bit... Best review so far. Wish more people wrote out thought out stuff like this.
Thanks, and yeah, it's not as good as my post... but it's ok. It was a good reply, and the best so far. (IMO) =D And we'll both keep forging for sure. Sweeny's next map is looking nice... and my next ones is looking very promising.
Looks like a really fun map. I'm gonna d/l tonight and give it a look over and maybe get a game going on it with some friends. you can expect me to update this post later with what I think.
I remember playing on this map and thinking about how i could never think of something like this, it is very well made and glameplay is amazing. i wouldnt be surprised if it got featured. 5/5 and a download
That's fine. As long as you like it enough to where you would download it and play it is good enough for me. (Though, I would like to see what you think of gameplay) Yes, that would be awesome. I'd be surprised too. =D
Pretty cool map! I like enclosed maps, and this one looks particularly good because of the great symmetrical balance you gave it with weapons, grenades, etc. I also think it was a great idea to put deployable covers in to accompany the shield doors to emphasize close-quarters combat. And I see you arranged the shield doors in a Paragon-ish way, which is also smart. I downloaded.
Thanks, glad you like the map. Yes, the shield doors are in a paragonish style. We would've used fence walls, but you can shoot through them so they don't make cover... you also can't walk through fence walls either. xD The shield doors were just more flexable.
I love the shield doors in this map, they just give it a really cool look and fun gameplay. Have you interlocked that floor yet, I'm waiting for V2... =)
Look, the floor is fine. I'm tired of repeating that. I've stated in the OP about the floor. So please, before you post... READ the OP... as for a v2... if it was going to be done, it'd be to try and touch up the spawns... even though its near impossible to make them better.
ewwwww deployable covers! i joke. hehe, this is probably the funnest map ive tested in the month or two ive been coming here. even with the DC's that i absolutely ((despise!!)), hehe, i had a blast in this tiny 'H'. i even played on a lesser version from what i can tell from the pics. this looks updated (for the better?) the shield doors really look a whole lot better. must takes a look see. oh the flag game we played worked surprisingly great imo. well, for a small map CTF is hard to pull off but here it works. you should all DL. this makes for some extreme 3v3.
Yes, yes, it's been updated for the best. I wish you could've test played on it. But oh well. It shouldn't be that hard to find five others to play with you.
Fine, I'll shut up about the floor... Maybe I'll just download and interlock the floor myself, It's not that hard. The spawns are great on this map!