Temple Of Atlas

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by American10, Aug 13, 2008.

  1. American10

    American10 Ancient
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    Ok guys, you might get a kill or two in the tunnels.All the gameplay is at the very top and the standup tunnels.A couple people might go in the tunnels to find a better weapon then go to the top.Also if your on the botton theres 6 ways to get up and 2 of them dont include tunnels.Also if you dont like crouching tunnels just look up and youll find a hole which you jump up and your in standup tunnels.There are 2 standup tunnels and you spawn in where you jump up so you can take the standup tunnels or crouching tunnels.This isnt no gay ****ing mlg **** or anything and this isnt meant for hardcore gamepaly but it still plays good so go **** yourselves.
  2. Destroying ace

    Destroying ace Ancient
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    amazing map. It's very unique and you did amazing interlocking. And nobody can forget the hidden teleporters, this is an amazing map. 5/5
  3. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    This map is still alive??? How? This is truly a great aesthetic map and I believe you guys make a great forging team. Keep it up!
  4. II AceMasta II

    II AceMasta II Ancient
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    I <3 this map it looks so good im not going to let it die away because its so cool.
  5. The Sir Toppum Hat

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    Thanks for the comment Ace.

    For those who have been waiting for the finial map in the ancient map pack, we plane to release it in about two weeks. To keep your interest here is a pic of it. Please comment of what you think. By the way the map was still in progress when I took the picture so there are some things that are in the pic that are not in the map, and some things that are in the map but are not in the pic.

  6. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    Wow Sir Toppum. I need to take a look at it when I get a chance with you.
  7. American10

    American10 Ancient
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    Yes we know, are map is epic.But guess what?Its even more epic than it looks.And halostriker we might show you later.
    xSharpshooter94 and The Hudacris like this.
  8. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    Ok I will be on tommorrow and The weekend. "This is so exciting!" --- Quote from what recent funny movie?
  9. fornozo

    fornozo Ancient
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    You got my DL on this ill be back to rate
  10. BarkusTheMan 1

    BarkusTheMan 1 Ancient
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    Once I saw the layout picture I was in awe. This map was love at first sight. This is truly a beautiful piece of work. This map is my soul mate. However, I feel that going into a deep review would ruin the moment, so I'll just say, phenomenal job.

    Pineapple Express
  11. Satan

    Satan Ancient
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    I for one think this is one of my favorite maps, ever. but, I dont know whether or not you were trying to make the entrance to the cove sloppy? if not, I think you should definately straighten it out, thatd make it for a more exciting map. I also think the sniper bunker looks kinda messy. it might not be, but from the pics it looks messy. I have not DLed the map yet, because I do not have my Halo 3 copy back yet, because my brother stole it from me, and let a friend borrow it. Anyway, aside from those 2 things, this map looks perfectly made, and a very original idea/name.
  12. American10

    American10 Ancient
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    Its a cave and its crooked because you crouch the deeper you go in, if we made it straight it would just look really gay.
  13. haruki jitsunin

    haruki jitsunin Ancient
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    Okay, now I'm going to start out by saying a few things.

    Firstly, I realize this map has probably essentially died, at least the thread, however I just got a chance to play this map and had to share what I wanted to say.

    Secondly, during this post I'm in no way saying this map is a poorly forged level. I think it was forged with a lot of skill...

    That being said:

    I was really excited to play this level from the screen shots in the featured post, however, after playing it, I believe this map sucks. Why do I say that? It plays horribly. 80% of the map is just a huge gimmick to distract attention from the fact that this map lacks any gameplay quality whatsoever. I mean, half of the level is half-height making one have to duck to even play. This cuts down tremendously in the ammount of skill involved in actually playing and lord knows that such a huge handicap subtracts from the actual fun one could have. You just took every gimmick in the book: switches, crawl spaces, destructable floors, and decided to just cram as much of it into a level as possible.

    The layout is horrible. I mean, half of the jumps are neigh-impossible to make making it so you can't even well-manuver through the tunnels, the selling point of this map. The upper space seems just like a tacked-on necessity to the crawl-spaces. Sure, the tunnels are intricate, I'll give you that, but they're impossible to navigate and are extremely difficult to resurface from. My friends and I played quite a few games on it and not one of them said "hmmm this map is fun," in fact, the mood was rather sullen with groans of "do we have to play this again?" All these stemmed from the horrible crawl-spaces and the fact that you actually have to crawl in order to play it. There is no manueverability involved, no ability to avoid ones enemy was alloted, no mercy from the inevitable death stemmed from which person could pull the trigger first. That's all this map's gameplay entails. (aside from the few gimmicks)

    I honestly wanted more from this map. I really did. Again, I'm not doubting the author's ability to forge, he (she or they?) has(have) proven that he(she, they) can forge, but what? Certainly not a fun map to play, certainly not a map that offers competative gameplay, but a map featuring the gimmicks developed by fellow forgers to try to get their map to stand out in the crowd.

    I really did want this to be a good map.
    TNF and Linubidix like this.
  14. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    I joined a game with one of the map makers, American10, in it. And then we played some sort of Infection game. I'm just gonna say this as candidly as possible.


    Also, the dungeon was perhaps the most useless and distracting piece in the game. I found myself randomly teleporting in their when I'd accidentally touch a wall that was close to a teleporter, and the only way I could get out was by commiting suicide.

    I think this map would be a lot better, competitively-wise, if you just remove the tunnel system in general.
    Bottlecap and TNF like this.
  15. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Eeep. Dudes. Lady. Man. Chill. It got featured, this thread is a place for praise. Your constructive criticism or just criticism while although might be useful is probably better suited in the original Forgehub thread. Congratulations to American10 and Sir Toppum Hat, their expertise in forge is well known and a feature from them is long overdue.
  16. haruki jitsunin

    haruki jitsunin Ancient
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    Wait, this isn't the original forgehub thread? I thought it was... could you link me there so that I may post this opinion there as well?
  17. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Ah.. ha ha... ha. *Nervous laugh* Umm yeah actually i had mutiple tabs and windows open so I was looking at the featured thread and this one... and i got confizzled. But umm.... yeah sorry about that. As you were.
    Nemihara likes this.
  18. TheXShadowXKing

    TheXShadowXKing Ancient
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    all and all very good map but that lure with the br and i get stuck in the cage always gets me ......i fell so stupid
  19. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    You have probably heard this a million times but great map dude. I love the watery tunnels, the sign structure, and the great gameplay.

    you deserve the feature!
  20. Runeman2

    Runeman2 Ancient
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    Hi, I like your map, the interlocking is flawless, the layout is great, gratz on the feature, but there is a slight problem.

    The Forgehub Breakers Guild has broken your map. by using the deployable cover on top of the rooftop on the top level. screenshots incoming. the easiest way to fix this would be deleting the deployable cover.


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