you know what, i have a theory one these featured maps. they cant always feature maps to everybody's liking... every once in a while, there will be a map that will totally stumble you and question you why it got featured. for instance, i hated the gameplay on Bayonetwork, but a lot of other people LOVED it. another example is MLG Impact, a lot of people thought it was an innovative MLG map, while i didnt have too much fun playing it. they cant satisfy everyone when they feature maps. if you look at every featured map, i bet you that all of them have at least ONE poor vote. so here's what i do... if you don't like the featured map, dont comment on it, and if you do have something negative to say, say it the original thread... but you better have some good reasoning and explanations. personally i found this to be a great map while it was fun to play on while you enjoyed aweing and playing around the dragon. the dragon really radiates a great feel to the map while playing, although the map may seem very basic.
wow this is absolutely amazing. im guessing you used up all of the budget but if you didn't(or you could just delete some non-high-priority things) you should make a switch or timing using fusion coils and what not to make the dragons mouth breathe fire RAWR!
CAN'T YOU SEE THAT THIS SENSELESS FIGHTING IS TEARING US ALL APART!?!?!?!?!? Anyway, now that I got the soap opera out of my system, I always intended for this to be in the competitive section of the forge maps. It's the aesthetics that get you to download the map and gameplay that gets you to love it. I know this to be true and therefore spend much more time making a map playable than pretty. This is in no way directed at Y35 either. The fact that the map has a dragon on it just makes some people feel iffy about whether it really should be considered competitive. I simply wanted to clear up, as stated in the first paragraph of both this and the original post, that the gameplay in a map is really what matters and Debo and I know that.
Hmm it looks like this thread has been viewed too many times, so Photobucket isn't displaying the images.
Why do people use Photobucket? There are loads of other free image hosting sites which don't limit how many times the image can be viewed or stick their adverts of the bottom of your images. is much better. --- Anyway, the map, I'd review it but I can't see the pictures! Edit: OK, I saw the other thread, this map does look pretty fun.
This map is total epicness! I like some aesthetic maps, however, they pretty much suck when it comes to gameplay. However, with this map, it actually has like a little base with the dragon, so I like it more. Instant DL, and I like being in the "Belly of the Beast" fighting.
Ok, I was going to ask where the sniper is but I DLED so its in the Dragon's mouth, WHY DOES HE EAT MY GUN, I TOLD HIM TO EAT PISTOLS, ok well I'm going off topic, so for the map, great 5/5. Worthy of Featuring!
wow looks sweet. The dragon looks real, honestly. The gameplay i guess would be kind of fun but most of it would be centered around the dragon. I will download and get back to you in a review.
hmm this looks kool as an aesthetic map, but i cant see myself playing slayer on here looks good, but i think imma save my dl for later
Well at first I did not know what "Ire" meant so I ruled out this map. But actually a friend recommended it and I was amazed at the dragon, not to mention how fun it was. It gives the feeling of being a knight and walking around in mid evil days. Good job, keep it up. "If I don't know what it means, it is not a good map."
The dragon is pure awesomeness, but the other areas look a little too open... but since its an ascetic map, 5/5
Cool.... this gets my download - i have been looking for this map for ages! Good interlocking and creative thinking - looks like it took you a long time and you can realy make some good and hard maps - Keep the maps coming - 9.2/10
AARRGH! It's ugly! Not in the "ZOMG u dint intarlok" way, in the "it looks like a hallowe'en mask" way. It's playable, too! TBH, I'm surprised this got featured (unless a Journalist made it). Does the fact that the players can get onto the skirting ruin/alter gameplay?
this map is amazing and one of the best maps that are created to make something e.g a dragon in this case great map 5/5