Wow this looks really nice!, the pictures display the map nicely, the game play flows well, and I definitely downloaded it right away when I saw it, 5/5 from me!
I found a couple ways out but the chance of them actually happening in game or even done at all are slim to none so I deem this practically unescapable much better compared to the other one.
looks NICE definate download like to see u make a small map or if u have i need to find it rating 5/5 not like noobs that dont i do...
Small map? Well this map is actually about medium sized compared to many Foundry maps. And I dunno, the way Flux was set up it played as a smaller map than Ribcage. But, forget about that, and I "LOLED" at the 5/5. It was a second or two before I realized it wasn't just another spam comment.
ok, i like this version alot better than the last one, much more open and more places to go. The ridcage is sexy, very well out together. The whole map flows well, I enjoyed playing slayer on it, it worked well, good job on fixing it.
Sorry I did another break session and i realized a easy break you go over to the crane and get on the B sign from the one rib and then grenade jump up to the crane and then jump up out of the map then walk across the top to the walking edge thing thats built into the map and walk over to the fencebox wall and jump onto the dumpster then go to the gauss warthog and PWN TEH NUBZORZS
Eh, the map looks A ok, but I'm not positive if this is your best map yet. I see the teleporter lights in your pictures, and I have to say, tone it done with the overused cliche forge touches. Even the hidden weapon holders are overused, and I've even seen the mancannons placed like that too much. Don't get me wrong Yellow, you are an excellent forger, but you have become a one trick pony. Spice it up a little.
Lol. Yeah thats really easy to do in a game. Cuz I mean all you have to do is follow a paragraph's worth of instruction in a heavily played area and hope you don't get shot.... Rofl, Sage its fine. I don't expect this map to be unbreakable, I just make it unpractical so the map is still enjoyable.
this is realy great i havent seen the other versions so my memory isnt spoiled teh geomerging on this map is insane, from the walls tot he ribcage, this is insane i really like the back tunnel area and the raised house structure insane interlocking also
I think thats the point though... You aren't spoiled from Ribcage but so many others have already seen the thread before and I don't think they know this is a new one. So.. I think thats the reason this hasn't been staying around in teh forumz.
Ugh. More 5/5 comments, why? Umm yeah thanks but I dunno I think Flux was relatively small, smaller than this even.. Thats what I really want to hear. Thats pretty much the entire point of this redux. I really think this has been my finest, but, everyone is entitled to their own map opinions. And a one trick pony.... sad face.
Looks like an awesome map, I like the idea of goin behind and inbetween the ribs, 4/5, could do with a little bit of neatening up as far as the teleporter Aesthetics.
Great map yellow. I really like the man cannons, the geomerging, and I'm really excited you got rid of the meat on the ribs. The improved bases look a million times better than the old ones... I don't agree with chipsinabox. Those "overused cliche touches" really make the map great. This is your best map in my opinion, it must have been a lot of work. You are NOT a "one trick pony" Keep making maps! Your maps are my favorite, your an amazing forger Keep up the good work 5 Bajillion out of 5
Also Yellow hope this gets featured! Then you will be a premium! (I think) and if I didn't already rate this then, 5/5!
yellow, this is one of the coolest maps ive played on i downloaded it a week ago i just never comented on it, so here i am. you did an amazing job on the asthetics and made them fit in well with the gameplay. my favorite part was the two tunnel like things on each side. great job 5/5
Great map. This is one of those just exceptional maps that I could actually see getting re-made as a built-in map to the game. 10/5. Seriously.
This map is truly amazing! The interlocking is awesome.The cannon man idea was good.Plus you put so many things in to the wall.This looks like the map of a Bungie Favorite!
Hey Yellow I can't download your map because it says you are offline and it won't let me look at your file share. Can you accept my friend request so I can download your map. My gamertag is JW3ST so just message me on forgehub or send me a message on Xbox Live. It would be nice if you could do it before Saturday night. Thanks