Legacy East

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by ANGERMAX, Sep 6, 2008.


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    ANGERMAX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Created by ANGERMAX


    Download Legacy East

    This is my first attempt at using a little bit of interlocking and geomerging. The basic idea of the map was to separate it into structures, rather than doing it the way I used to, by just forging as I go and ending up with one big map. I planned out what it was I wanted to build, and what the best positioning was for each of my structures. I can say that I am pleased with the end result. While it's by no means the nicest looking map, the gameplay value is there. Feedback is definitely welcome, I am always in need of suggestions and any ideas that you think would improve the gameplay quality or aesthetics of the map. For those of you that like pictures, the screenshots below detail each structure in the map and gives a short description of what you can expect to find.

    Recommended Gametypes:

    Team Slayer
    King of the Hill


    Assault Rifle x4
    Battle Rifle x3
    Shotgun x1
    Sniper Rifle x2
    SMG x2
    Spiker x1
    Plasma Rifle x1
    Needler x1
    Rocket Launcher x1
    Spartan Laser x1
    Energy Sword x1
    Gravity Hammer x1
    Turret Gun x1


    Frag Grenade x3
    Radar Jammer x1
    Power Drain x1


    The main structure in Legacy East. A ground-level passage leads all the way around the massive structure, with an optional grav-lift leading up to the top of the Monolith where one of the two Sniper Rifles is located. From there you can also fall into the center of the tower, where you'll find the gravity hammer. Leading away from the top of the Monolith is a bridge that will take you to our next attraction: NeedleNose Towers.


    Pretty basic structure here, two towers with a tunnel on each side. Each tunnel has 2 fusion coils placed in the corners for good measure. The left tunnel contains a Battle Rifle. The bridge that comes down from the Monolith leads to the Needler. In between the towers is a fence wall, with an SMG on each side of the fence. Now for the centerpiece:


    Again nothing too complex here. Smack in the center of the map is the Energy Bridge, the location of, you guessed it, the Energy Sword. This area makes a great target for the snipers on each side of the map. Speaking of snipers, let's take a look at the corner opposite the Monolith:


    A sniper rifle sits idle next to a staircase that leads up around the outside of the tower. The first half of the staircase will bring you to what I like to call the halfpipe. This is a nice structure in itself, and it's great for tossing grenades into. You can jump around like crazy without fear of falling off, as you're pretty much enclosed and don't have to worry about what's behind you. The second half of the staircase will lead you to the top of the tower. A single barrier provides cover as well as the nice size of the floor to protect against those who are ground level. While the top of the tower isn't the safest place to go, you can easily retreat back into the halfpipe in case of danger.

    Next up is the back center of the map, a place that I call:


    I know Foundry is probably the worst map that you can place a turret gun on. Which is why I've constructed a sort of limit barrier. The gun will only shoot at certain key points of the map, for instance the Energy Bridge, the Sniper Tower (but not the halfpipe), and parts of the next section of the map. With two sniper areas and plenty of walls, it's not likely that you'll be on the turret for long. It's designed so that it will hopefully get you a quick one or two kills, but is a dead givaway to your position and makes you an instant sitting bull.

    And finally, we have:


    I'll be honest with you. I was out of ideas. If I make a version two of this map, this area will probably be scrapped for something else. In the meantime, we have carefully placed fence walls and shield doors, and near that center box we have the mighty Shotgun. This is a great place to break out the tent and wait for unsuspecting victims to come running through your shield door, only to find a shotgun blast to the face waiting on the other side. Be careful though, they may just be carrying that Energy Sword, knowing your plan all along. And believe me when I say that snipers will be watching you.

    And there you have it.
    Feedback, please! =)

    Download Legacy East
    #1 ANGERMAX, Sep 6, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2008
  2. Hamstring07

    Hamstring07 Ancient
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    This is good for a first time merging and interlocking but i think it's kind of open, perhaps more structures?
  3. XED360X

    XED360X Ancient
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    dosnt look amazing but it looks cool
  4. K3V1N

    K3V1N Ancient
    Senior Member

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    it does look kind of empty but looks very fun

    maybe you need to add more aesthetic stuff around the map

  5. HLG Viper

    HLG Viper Ancient
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    This map is probably very underrated (I haven't tried it, but people just usually go with the "interlocking plx" thing). Except for the non-interlocking, you've put some great thoughts into different aspects of this map. There's a lack of ground cover on the ground, and you should've blocked off the bakc corridor, but you handled the turret thing very maturely and nice! The fencewalls in front of the walls looks great (even greater interlocked, but no need to). What does the inside of the monolith look like?

    The sword should not have 4 fusion coils around it though. It's hard enough to grab without getting shot, and it's not very useful considering the map is so very open. PLUS, if you shoot the fusion coils when the sword is there, it will fly off the platform, making it a lot easier to grab (I can imagine that was what you were thinking, if so, smart). Some more structures, a lot more ground-cover and block off the corridors, and it will be vastly improved! Interlocking is always a plus, and so is geomerging if there's any necessary geomerging spots, but i think the map wil be fine with those minor changes. Great job!

    EDIT: just noticed the interlocking and geomerging. Great!!! You should interlock the monolith a little nicer though, and perhaps geomeld the other boxes and walls around the shotty holdout. Also, as mentionewd; cover is needed. If you want to put less cover in there, add a ghost or a warthog (you should be careful with warthogs though).
  6. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
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    If it's the first time, it's great, but some weapon layout don't seem to have good placement.

    For instance, the Rocket Launcher is right above the Sword, which isn't good to have it placed there, because players can just go to the Rocket Launcher, pick it up, and then jump down to get the Sword, and then they're overpowered very quickly.

    For the map, it seems like there are just 4 structures, which 'connect' to each other.
    Which I find too open for my stupid taste, you should Interlock a little bit more and flip some Bridges and Double Boxes/Single Boxes.

    Other then that, your Forging looks very, very neat and clean.
    The layout has some potential but also has some flaws.

    I suggest removing those Fusion Coils at the Sword, and moving the Rocket Launcher to another place.
    ^Like that nice guy named HLG Viper said.
  7. forgyforge

    forgyforge Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks okay. A little too sloppy and no cover(At the sword spawn.). 3/5 and no DL. When/IF you make an V2. Add cover, better weapon placemants and more pics of the guns. But good idea on the walls and geomerging.
  8. Savagesound

    Savagesound Ancient
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    It's a great map and i like that you used the part that almost all maps block off but this map is missing something that would make it unique
  9. Savagesound

    Savagesound Ancient
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    It's a great map and i like that you used the part that almost all maps block off but this map is missing something that would make it unique and make it stand out above other maps. trying making the sniper tower that because it looks pretty kewl already.
  10. DDjusD

    DDjusD Ancient
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    #10 DDjusD, Sep 6, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2016
  11. IVIercinator

    IVIercinator Ancient
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    This map is really open. If you're not at a structure you're automatically dead. A good map flows and shifts around not just everyone camping at a building and waitting for someone to go outside sorry but there are some amtuer mistakes here that need to be fixed.
  12. DDjusD

    DDjusD Ancient
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    #12 DDjusD, Sep 6, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2016

    ANGERMAX Ancient
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    Sorry, but it was not a mistake. So you don't play maps that are open, such as Valhalla, Avalanche, etc? You always need cover to protect you? Then this map is not for you. Good players don't need cover everywhere they go.

    While I agree that it's a bit open, I don't necessarily consider that a negative.
  14. BlueMasterChief

    BlueMasterChief Ancient
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    I Love the ideas in this keep it up
  15. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
    Senior Member

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    This is a very nice map but has some problems
    the structures you have such as monolith , sniper tower, needlestone towers, exct.
    they are all very origional in design and the nterlocking isnt overused bu its very nice
    may want to fill out the map more, take out the turret
    flip all closed boxes so they are smoother,
    and dont ahve swordand rocket launcher riht next to eachother
  16. Pirates

    Pirates Ancient
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    This map is... ok?
    no, i'm not just gonna say that it needs interlocking, though it would make it alot more aesthetic, but it needs more things to the map, sure different structures are cool, but what's in between them? nothing, you need to put something there, and interlock to your hearts desire, not ours, its your map, right?
  17. yomtvraps

    yomtvraps Ancient
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    looks pretty good nice interlocking and the sniper tower looks really nicely made. i think haveing the sword in the middle looks like it is an instant death trap, but ill have to dl to see. 4/5
  18. Keitapath

    Keitapath Ancient
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    This map is OK, but you need to spread out your structures, and add more cover in the open spaces. Also, try making the main structures less powerful, this can cause camping if not corrected, which leads to a bad map. 3/5
  19. rewib65

    rewib65 Ancient
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    i like that its open, but maybe a little cover would be good, like barriers. My only other complaint is that all of the sections arent very linked together and stand out too much apart from each other. but its still a good map, dont get me wrong. 4/5
  20. fornozo

    fornozo Ancient
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    Good try to interlock and geomerge since its your 1st time i wont be to harsh on you.
    First as mentioned i think that the space between the structures is to open would use some more cover.
    second remove all fusion coils since they is not needed IMO
    And last you interlocking is not perfect for your next map try to improve it a little.
    Thats all from me for this time keep forging :D

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