Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ToochieHxC, Feb 7, 2008.

  1. ToochieHxC

    ToochieHxC Ancient
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    I really want to do that TGIF, but its seems so ruley. like, have you guys seen that episode of sponge bob where he throws a party but its all planned out and if you did one thing wrong sponge bob got all mad, but when he wasn't there everyone had fun.

    I guess its because there is a lot of people who want to play, and i understand that not everyone is "mature" so there have to be rules and stuff. and no one likes lag so i guess its also understandable that if you lag, you leave. But i mean you cant really blame yourself for your internet connection, which sucks, cause you lose out on the fun because your service decides to be a *****, or maybe you just cant afford "super lighting fast speedy" internet like everyone else. But the idea in general of this is great, I'd love to play with a group of people in maps each of us has made. If we could have like a mini-TGIF, with not so many people, just friends and acquaintances who you want to play with, it would be better for those who "dont qualify" for the real deal.

    In a way i guess im saying, let's play some halo. WITHOUT alot of rules, and play to have fun, dont make it a competitive sport. A little lag never hurt anyone, laugh at how your opponent misses your head shot because he skipped across the screen before your eye. just laugh, have fun. lol :]

    aanyways, thats my two cents. this was just a rant of what was on my mind so dont mind me.

  2. Roche178

    Roche178 Ancient
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    TGIF is an extremely organized event because without those rules it would be a disaster and nobody would have any fun.
  3. ToochieHxC

    ToochieHxC Ancient
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    yeah i agree. rules are there for good cause.
  4. Lone Deity

    Lone Deity Ancient
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    Well, let's go in order,

    1. That's so people get to play a wide variety of maps. And if your not a noob, it doesn't matter.

    2. No, we have not seen that episode of spogebob.

    3. No one likes lag, it makes maps unplayable, and overall, boring.

    4. Try to make friends with people at FH, and you can have customs every night. TGIF was made so the ordinary joe could play with guilders. You don't need guilders to have fun.

    5. We won't.
  5. DrawingMan

    DrawingMan Ancient
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    I totally concur with what the preety lady just said totally down for a :squirrel_grouphug: THREEESOME!!!!

    oh, wait, Play Halo? yeah, im down for that too. Lets play that tonight.
  6. Klink258

    Klink258 Ancient
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    If you can't deal with TGIF because of these limitations, start a thread and get some people together to play customs, or use the shoutbox or the IRC channel.
    TGIF is highly organized, and cannot be brought down because one person's "service decides to be a ***"
    It happens to all of us.
  7. TheYavimayan

    TheYavimayan Ancient
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    ugh another post about TGIFD... we are not going to change it. It is for the Host's benefit, and we do not have to do TGIFD, so yea...
  8. ToochieHxC

    ToochieHxC Ancient
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    i dont think that TGIF should change or be brought down or anything. im all for it, im just simply stating my opinion jeez. what klink said, thats pretty much exactally what im aiming for is just a small group to get together yano? dont get all upset, this was basically a meaningless post.
  9. Poztar

    Poztar Ancient
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    If you don't like it so much, you can start your own community and host your own game night. Really. We won't mind.
  10. Killer Carebear

    Killer Carebear Ancient
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  11. TrueDarkFusion

    TrueDarkFusion Ancient
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    Sorry without organization it turns out to be a disaster. Organization keeps the unruly out. If you played previous TGIF events you would really understand.
  12. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    Guys, a lot of you aren't reading all of her post. Or the rest of her posts in this topic. She starts off saying how she doesn't like it/can't do it so she's asking for a way that she can play with people.

    Klink's suggestions would work the best. Try to either get a group of people from your friends list or get some people on these forums. Ask some people on the IRC or the shoutbox and try to get a party going.
  13. ToochieHxC

    ToochieHxC Ancient
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  14. DrawingMan

    DrawingMan Ancient
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    Thats exactly what shes saying, all she wants is to play with more players, but mostly everyone on our friends lists are either busy playing call of duty 4 or are just flakes. Her internet is good and all, it just has a reputation to flake on us atleast 3 times a day haha. anyways, point is, shes looking for people to play with, shes not putting TGIFD down in any way, were both just trying to join in the fun :]
    soooooo...anyone down for some customs tonight (pacific time zone, around 12 maybe?)

    oh and wakko...he`s a girl. just a heads up good sir.
  15. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    Woops, :squirrel_blush:. Sorry, it just habit, I'm not used to talking about girls online because of the majority of guys that I tend to be around. (That didn't sound gay did it?) Anyways, sorry about that, I'll edit that post.
  16. Penguinish

    Penguinish Ancient
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    ToochieHxC, if you go to the irc, or check the shoutbox periodicly, you will find that alot of us have custom games almost every other night.

    Like last night, we messed around, and played a lot of fun stuff :)
  17. ToochieHxC

    ToochieHxC Ancient
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    sweet, see thats all i really wanted to know. even though im not exacitally sure how to work that irc thing, ill try to figure it out lol, thanks :]
  18. Jayn0

    Jayn0 Ancient
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    Agreed. I think we are all assuming too much from her post.
  19. Lone Deity

    Lone Deity Ancient
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    I'll send you a FR and send you an invite whenever we have a game going.
  20. Glimflicker

    Glimflicker Ancient
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    In all honesty, a lot of us are in the same boat. The newness of Halo 3 has worn off for a lot of my friends, so the core group that I used to play with has all but dissolved. I get a lot of friend requests from random people that see the maps that I've made, but they only ever want me to come and help them forge or give them feedback on forge ideas. This has continued for a few weeks, and I've strayed from Halo 3 due to it. The problem I've had in the past with joining random groups of people is the ulterior motives that come out when somebody a little power hungry gets control and takes over the game selection. I always find myself thinking something along the lines of: "We all understand that you've remade tower of power fifty separate times, but we really don't want to play every iteration." or "Another infection map, hooray!"

    Haha, enough with that rant. I live in TN (Eastern Time), so 12am PST won't work out that well for me (that's 3am EST). I'll gladly give it a go at a more reasonable EST time, though.

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