The Scemo (Italian word for idiot, dumb, or twat) Download by: Mushman101 (aka l SilenceMmk l) Players: 2-6 Gametypes: Team slayer and Team CTF Size: SMALL! Ok, let me start off by saying that yes, I know this map is small. I made it that way..... It actually has benefits because of the size. Campers are basically non-existent seeing as how you can barely camp in one spot for one kill let alone two or more. The map also promotes non-stop action, and I simply love it. It is also the first map in a set of three. One small (This one), one medium map, and one large one. Time to get down to the nitty gritty. The map is only supportive of 2-6 players, with only two teams (any more teams and you would get weird spawns). It is only set up for Team Slayer and Team CTF for now, but I might add some others as time goes by. The map is primarily symmetrical, with only a few minor flaws. There is only one geomerged object, which is only in there to please the crowd. There is a *%$@ load of interlocking (Trust me, I know what I'm talking about). There are two bases. There is a tunnel in each base that leads along the outside of the map to the other base or under OV. Other things cannot be described without visuals, so here comes the part that everyone just skipped to see and didn't even bother reading what I had to type...... THE PICTURES....... Weapons Weapon/ Respawn/ Clips/ Number of weapon BR/30/2/6 AR/30/2/6 Carbine/30/2/2 Brute Shot/90/0/2 Sniper/Never/0/1 (Symmetrical) Plasma Rifle/30/2 Spiker/30/2/4 SMG/30/2/4 Shotgun/Never/0/1 (Symmetrical and Assymetrical) Needler/30/2/1 Mauler/Never/0/1 (Asymmetrical) *Needler and shotgun move between asymmetrical and symmetrical, and mauler spawns in needler pit in asymmetrical Equipment Item/Respawn/Number of item Frag/10/8 Plasma Grenade/10/8 Bubble Shield/60/2 Regen/90/1 Radar Jammer/Never/1 Power Drain/90/1 Invisible/180/1 OV/180/1 "Front" part of map (Invis, sniper (Symmetrical), shotgun (Asymmetrical) spawn near here. Take no head of the sword, it was taken out because it was too overpowering. "Back" of the map (OV (behind the pillars), shotgun (Symmetrical) and others spawn near here. Needler pit (The geomerged box!) Looking down into red base Ramp to Regen and Shotgun (Symmetrical, Needler Asymmetrical) OV is right above this.... Inside a base.... "Roof" of red base Now for some action shots..... I didn't stand a chance, two versus one is never fun..... Here, hold this for me Can you tell why I took out the sword? Putting me in my grave The needler pit and a live gernade do NOT mix! Another view of the reason the sword is gone.... CONCLUSION: I know that some people may see this map as too small, but I like the game style it promotes. Please note that if you do play CTF on this map, normal CTF will go very quickly. I suggest you try out my gametype, Mind the Gap, which has much slower movement and is based around teamwork. Hope you all enjoy and have fun. If you get the chance, please download and leave me some criticsm on the map itself and how I can become a better forger.
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Welcome to Forgehub buddy! Now, let my give you some tips. First off, you cannot direct link a picture from Bungie to Forgehub(I did the same thing). You must host it, such as using photobucket and other things like that. You may also want to change the font color, it is hard to read. To learn how to make a good post click on the search tab on the top and search for guides, they will tell you more in depth.
Well from the pics provided for you, this looks like a very good map. It has intersting pathways and nice clean interlocking and possibly geomerging? Overall nice map 5/5. I could not see anything wrong with it from the pictures. I'll download this weekend. Love, Zachary9990
Cool I see now. I votezz 5/5 and DL. I like the needler pit and tunnels. Hope 4 more, and thinks for posting the pics for him.
Sorry for all the noobishness on my part fellas. Thanks for everyone who helped point out my error. I did it the right way in my first two threads, but thought copying would simply be faster, but it wasn't the correct way so I went ahead and fixed the images. Thanks to Chi Sox Fan for uploading the pictures for me, I went ahead and put them in my own photobucket and editted the post to put the pics in. Thanks for the feedback guys, and hopefully I won't be stupid anymore.
I really like the map, and good job imbedding the pics but PLEASE CHANGE THE FONT COLOR!! It is really hard to read with such bright red font, reading your post gave me a headache.
I love the map , perfect interlocking ............ but it seems that most the maps that are team maps have the same floor plan and layout , just a little diffrences ....we need more origanal designes and layouts . map : 3/5
Looks like a pretty sxy map. I D/Led, looks unique to me. I'll test it tommorow after school so, don't expect this post to get better for another 16 hours. Btw, I'm curious, what's the one geo merged object, lol? And yeah, I read the description. It is small, but that's what it's meant to be, and the multiple levels really make it big, so that doesn't matter. The only thing is I think you should either take out the shotgun or the mauler, either one. I know the clips are low, but still, on a 2v2 it could be pretty camperific. I'll get back to you later, on this post, when I'm done playing it tommorow. Looks really clean, thanks, cya. EDIT: Just asking before I test, did you use spawn areas for objective games and slayer, or at all? If not, I could show you how.
The geomerged object is the single box in the needler pit. And as of now, I haven't made any spawn areas, I'm working on fixing everything up in the map from today until friday or saturday until it looks and plays it's best.
wow, amazing map, only flaw i could see is the regen shotgun combo. that is way too overpowering, because it a very easy way to camp
I'll keep that in mind if I ever get enough free time to make a V3 of this map.... I don't know if it was succesful enough to do so though
looks awesome smooth interlocking, AHmazing screenshots 5/5 rating n im actually rating i no wat ur thinking he posted 5/5 n he is actually going to rate.... GIVE THIS GUY RECONZ... cant except it sorry... i no positive attitude lol looks like a "LOOK HOW AWESOME MY MAP IS" quote to MEz
The map and interlocking looks good from its pics but i suggest you make the screenshots up higher on the map, im saying the pics are to close to get an idea of what it looks like. But otherwise it looks great!
Observational Review The following is based off a forge fly-through, and single player observation. Though some of my opinions may not be true when I actually play this map with someone else, they are quite accurate in reasoning, and should still be taken note of. Escapable This map is terribly easy to escape. Sadly, all you have to do is jump ontop the 'A' or 'B' signs that are located highest up on a platform on either end of the center section. From there, you can crouch jump ontop of the sideways stares, and you are out. This needs to be fixed, especially since it is so easy to do. Overabundance of Weapons This is a very small and confined map, yet it contains 10 different types of obtainable weapon spawns. Battle Rifle, Carbine, SMG, Plasma Rifle, Bruteshot, Sniper, Shotgun, Needler, and Spikers. I will now go through what you should keep, and remove. Assualt Rifle - It needs to go. No one really likes this 'power weapon' (sorry I have a strong dislike for it), and you have 6 on the map that I can count. Firstly, you spawn with one, with 2 spare clips. And when you kill someone, you get theirs, more ammo. There is plenty of ammo for these alone on a map like this, yet you have more. I suggest discourage assualt rifle use, and the best way to do that is make it as hard as possible to obtain ammo for them, and right now, getting rid of all the extra ones is recommended. Carbine and Battle Rifle - Alright, cut back on the number of these. I would recommend a max of 4 BR's and 2 Carbines. Yes, people love BR's, I sure do, however, it do not like seeing them all over the map, because then ammo is not conserved. When you have to use each shot to the best of it's ability, you tend to make sure you do just that, however, if there is always ammo for a gun, why conserve? So here is what you want to do. For each side, have 1 BR down low, or middle level, and 1 up high. And for carbines, on each end of the hall, 1 low, 1 high, right where the shotgun is, and the Camo is. Now it is better balanced. SMG, Plasma Rifle, and Spiker - Alright, here is a common thing overlooked about these weapons. They are duel weildable, but have varying effects. I will best try and describe them below. Plasma Rifle - No clip, so ammo is not obtainable, making these weapons harder to balance spawn time wise, because you have to guess how fast one will be used up. These weapons are very good at removing shields, fast, however, do little damage directly to health compared to its peers. They are a great shoot/melee combo close quarters, because they can remove shields faster than an AR, and you can then quickly follow up with a melee. Spiker - Small clip size, but powerful. It's like taking a nail gun to a plywood, it just punches right through. Takes out shields and health in one fell swoop. To counteract this, however, the projectiles move very slow, resulting in a good amount of lead when shooting at a more distant target. However, at close range, there is no lead, and the fast fire rate combined is like getting roundhouse kicked by chuck-norris if he had as many legs as a spider. Ouch. SMG - The middle child. It isn't powerful, or fast working, it is just a balance of the 2 weapons mentioned above. However, it is close to close/medium ranged but still inaccurate, with the fastest fire rate and bullet travel. In addition, it has the largest clip size. This weapon cannot do much by itself, but is best used duel weild with a Spiker or Plasma Rifle. So, after this review, what is the best choice for this map? Tough question. This is close quarters, so Spiker is pure power, and Plasma Rifle is an easy shoot/melee kill. So it would seem like the SMG is the best choice right? Actually, imo, wrong. No one will go for the SMG when they have an AR to use. So, I say either Plasma Rifle, or Spiker, but I am leaning to Spiker, in combo with other weapons on the map. By making a more powerful side weapon, people will go for it, and since many weapons on here are shoot/melee combos in such close quarters, A spiker will deliver a more shoot and kill blow. However, 4 MAX, though I say 2 on the map. Enough with this. Bruteshot - Good, I like this, and good spot as well, however it will respawn way to fast. This is a closequaters weapon on this map, shoot/melee. It needs a 120 + respawn, I say 150-180. Sniper + Shotgun - Bluntly, shotgun will be to powerful, so either remvoe that and keep the sniper, or remove both and replace with mauler. Sniper will take the most skill of the 3, since it is most accurate, hard to do on a small map, however, it might just be too small for that. On the other hand, Mauler might just be too strong as well. If you keep the sniper, set respawn to 180, cause never is a bit harsh. But this is something I have to play to know for sure. But shotgun = gone. Needler - Fine, but set to 150, 1 spare clip. It can be hard to use on a map like this. Only 1 for some reason I saw two popping up. I might be wrong, but is there a sword? Instant NO! 1 close range/sniper is enough, for any game type. Longer than I intended... Grenades Small map + Spawn start Grenades = 'Nade Spammin. Fact. Solve this by having as little on the map as possible. I say 2 Frag nades (2, not 2 pais, just 2) on the map, middle floor in the center somewhere with respawn time of at least 30. Plasmas, long description short, miss your stick, you still have plenty big explosion in a small map, like gunpowder in a tin can. Replace these with spikes, require more precision. Also, limit them to 4 on the map at MAX however, I op for 3, 1 at each base 1 up high in the middle. Set respawn time to 30 seconds at least like the Frags. Node Flower Under Camo Cool aesthetic, bad idea. You can walk through, but they are solid obstacles to nades and bullets. At the hight it is floating, covers your head, can be a real *****, and mess with vision. Drop it down, or delete it. Lets also use this to discuss Camo/Oversheild. Camo won't do you much good, since you will be underfire alot, but if you can use it, it might be helpful for 1 kill. Overshield's temporary invicibility can be a real *****, but it also feels like a worth-while powerup. Leave it whre it is. And set it to NOT spawn at start, and for 180 seconds. This way it is not a thing to charge for, it is something to wait for, and grab at the right time. and it might spawn back once, which is fine, though most likely will not, fine as well. Equipment My patience is wearing thin, so lets cut to the chase, to many, useless, annoying, bad. For a map this size, 1 is all you need, now this is a hard thing to decide on, which one? Regen. Why? Increases the use of shoot/melee. Now, you might be asking "why so much of this kill tactic? This is kinda encouraging it, is it not? Yes, and no. It works 1 way. The person who deploys it before hand, will always win with the shoot/melee, but if he waits till he is under attack, then he will loose? It is all about timing. Through in a nice 120 second respawn, middle platform fencewall with the door sideways (remove that door btw) and you have a winner. RECAP Alright, lets do this... Recommended Weapon List (max recommended)- (btw, all that should be on the map listed below) BR's x4 / 45 seconds / 2 clips Carbines x2 /45 seconds / 2 clips Spikers x4 / 30 seconds / 1 clip Bruteshot x2 / 150 seconds / 0 clips Needler x1 / 150 seconds / 1 clip Sniper x1 / 180 seconds / 0 clips Frags x2 / 45 seconds Spikes x3 / Symmetrically placed 30 seconds, last one set to 45 seconds Regen x1 /120 seconds Overshield x1 /180 second DELAY Physical Camo Node Flower = Gone Escapable from signs onto stairs = Fix Spawns Lol, just messing with you, no way in hell I can write that also now.. saved for another review after gameplay. Alright, got all that? Now excuse me before I get carpal tunnel. And btw, your map has resulted in the longest review of a map I have ever written, without playing it. Congrats. I will leave positive feedback (hopefully) after I play a game or so on here, then I tackle actual layout and spawns. Also, I might make said changes to your map when I test it, cause right now I think it will play horribly with the weapon issues..
wow, thanks for the feedback guys, xX5w33ny70ddXx especially. I know you might think you were being critical and that it might have been a pain in your a** to write all that stuff but that is by far the most help I've gotten from a single person to date. In that very miniscual (spellchecks plz!) writing you gave, you not only showed me that I love to put too many weapons on my maps (it's a habit, what can I say) but you also told me how I could improve on the weapons I placed. Thank you so much, you got some positive rep coming your way.
great map over all well made even fair there are only a few things i would like to see a bit of change in. the first is the barriers up the top stopping peope from getting out of the map look a bit shaby turn one side so its faces the same way as the other side or if you can replace them with bridges or something it will look a lot better. A note the sword in one of the first pictures has been changed to a sword which is a good choice becuase sword and camo would own up the whole map. the reciver tele that is under camo piss me off not cuase it does anything to the game play just becuase its at eye level (may i could use it to stop head shots. but beside the thing its a very good map i like the layout and the tunnels so 4/5.
insane design, interlocking and astetics i like the bases, the under ground and the above ground the center sword piec is awsome, looks a little rough though mabey not sword and shotgun, nice use of stairs for walls, thosemake for great astetics