I am challenging forge hub to build one of these epic ideas. I haven't seen many cool things coming out of FH lately, and i'm just not skilled enough. So build these things! And the winnar will be an hero and be rewarded. With MP. All you need to do is build the must-haves, and add on and make the idea cooler. And if you have EPIC WIN-SAUCEIDEAS tell me to add 'em. SO, 1. On Foundry, Two parallel Pirate Ships fight to the death. I want Cannons, opportunities to shank your enemies, and assault playabilty. 2. You played with hot wheels as a kid right? The motorized ones that made the cars crash sometimes? I would like to see a Forge like that.
These are some big expectations for an "I would like to see..." thread. You might not get many more responses. Usually people simply request something to base a map around, rather than an entire map. One of my favorite one of these was a contest to build a rotating platform. The pirate ships do sound cool though. I've never seen a foundry map with warring ships. If I weren't building something right now I might try that.
ive made 1 pirate ship on foundry...but i was low on materials by the end so two would have to be kinda small...but i dont think that hotwheels thing would be that hard, if i actually took my time and wasnt lazy
I made two ships. They weren't perfect, but I think I deleted it anyway. And I want a better challenge j/k. I can't do that stuffzz.
wow seriouslly>?? too hard? I'm already half done with the hot wheels one! The Ships would be a lot easier!