Covvies isnt really much fun. all it is ghosts going all over the place and if they see u they most likely kill you and the wraith isnt a great thing either, the ghosts that everyone spawns with can kill it easily
There not that bad.. I mean it IS big team battle, you cant expect much. Nice grammer BTW. *edit* grammar, lol.
I like BTB and I don't mind covies, as long as I get to play I don't care very much, It's fun either way.
Anything I can drive, shoot, and splatter with is good. Covie vehicles are win. And fast respawning rockets on Valhalla And it's grammar, btw.
Ha ha I liked it the first few times, but it got old quick. And by the way, the wraith can destroy if you drive it right, but you need a good gunner to fend off the ghosts.
I just noticed this topic and covies are the most worthless maps... They are not fun and should at least follow their name and not just have covie vehicles
Zomg Yavi! You have exactly 999 posts right now! :squirrel_wtf: Epicness! :squirrel_rocking: I tink I is go to write dis in my diary :squirrel_chatting: :squirrel_giggle: - Lemon :squirrel_rubberduck:
I think BTB has gone down the plug hole. It used to be good, with alot of the players bieng new to the game (not noobs, just new.) and everyone was prepared to play as a team. I used to really anjoy it then, aswell as getting invincible and killtrocities (with br not banshee lol..) Since they made it ranked, too many people play it, the teams are too random, with commanders - generals thrown in with sergents, and then the high ranks think that they own the place, and go around acting total retards, wasting weapons, and not working as a team, and its totaly wrecked. I play team objective and social objective, which seem to keep what BTB lost shortly before it turned ranked, but i know even that wont last forever...
I've only played covies on Sandtrap (BTB is rare for me). It seemed alright. Though, I have no idea what the word "covies" even means. Lol. I usually prefer the normal maps, except it is sometimes fun to play something different every once in a while.
Being the comptetive person i am, even if its btb, covies is complete bullshit. Im the guy that grabs the sniper, and shooting the covie sniper feels diffrent than the human sniper, its so ugh. I shoot fine with human sniper, not so much with the covie. I hate all the ghosts, and what not. BS.
Covies can occaisionally be good fun, I particularlly like Valhalla Covies on 1 Flag which is cool if you get a good team and use the Wraith on defence whilst blasting the mud off the centre hill as well as the occaisional enemy mongoose. So in summary, Covies = good and lovely.
I know someone will be mad at me for being a "MODERATOR wannabe", but I like keeping Forge Hub clean, so acoording to Dragoncoals: This Topic belongs in the Halo Discussion forum And, on topic, I haven't played Covies yet...