30E Circuit Created by Divineheritic Supported Gametypes: Racetracks Map Description Simple yet awesome racetrack with anti-cheating _________________________________________________ Start HAIRPIN! Window turn Double jump _________________________________________________ Made from my first account rambosmurf. Download 30E Circuit Download RACETRACKS
ok, the maps looks pretty cool and isn't bad for a trainee, a few tips would be... in the last pic, you could interlock that little gap well, actually, thats about it. the different colored power up is cool, the interlocking is smooth, and it looks like it has a good flow, all i would say is add more pics, so we can see more
The maps pretty cool, I like it, For a newbie, Its pretty good, Sorry but I'm not into race maps, it deserves 3.8/5, It does need improvement in some area's and more pictures would help, Lots of things could be interlocked in my opinion, I will download and test, And come back with a better review.
Hay, divineheritic! XD, nice map dude. I see some pretty good interlocking, and I see a cookie in your future. 4/5
Great job on the interlocking. But in my opinion you should have put some sheild doors for walls insead of fence walls. 4/5