Mario Cart only on Halo. People are on mongese and they have to capture the bases. The map Rats Nest only man cannons are used as boosts and there are lots of barriers to block people. At least 4 players are needed because it is VIP and they cant drive so have to be on the back but they have rocket launchers so they can flip people. Please if you have suggestions email me. Mario Cart only on Halo. People are on mongese and they have to capture the bases. The map Rats Nest only man cannons are used as boosts and there are lots of barriers to block people. At least 4 players are needed because it is VIP and they cant drive so have to be on the back but they have rocket launchers so they can flip people. Please if you have suggestions email me. Get the map here And the rules here
Its spelled Kart not Cart. :/ Anyway, you can make it so that VIPs can drive, but this is pretty much a modified Rocket Race on Rats Nest.
This looks like it could be fun. And like that one guy said, in Mario Kart the "Kart" is spelled kart.
I've made a map like that, I should really put it up on this site btw, I like that pic with the 2 blue guys and the explosion behind them
Really simple. Boring and not hat fun... All you did was put man cannons there and they fip you over. This was already made by bungie... Rocket Race? You put man cannons and shield doors. Wrong map wrong objects v2 and make a different map and make it better and less... simple. 2/5
Leave him alone cos I mean he tried his best... Just maybe next time try and make a better game type because it seems a bit like Rocket Race... so maybe next time HAPPY HUBBING