Hello I am Ultimate F3aR, lately I have been having a forger's block. I can't think of anything to make. I was going to show you my BobBQ map till I found out someone made one. -.- . If and one could help me with ideas it would be so helpful, because just like the the rest of you. I like to forge.
Well you could go to your favorite game think of levels from that and ways you can improve it that helps get Ideas for me.
Ultimate, we all have forger's block. There are millions of maps you can make with forge and really its up to you to pick. So I will try to jump start your brain. Pick a gametype you want to make a map for Slayer, Infection, King of the Hill, VIP, Capture the Flag, Assault, Juggernaut, Territories, or Oddball.
Try remaking the first level of ninja gaiden (the new one, not the arcade classic). I've been wanting to do it for a long time, but I don't think I have the patience to see if it's possible. (It's a big ninja dojo if you haven't played it.)
tri makeing a map baset on a film/tv show 4 exsampel lost make a big iland with a polerbaer on it "thats when i stopt waching it"
I suggest you just spend some time playing around in forge. allot of the ideas i get came to me when i was just messing around with some friends in forge. also, once you get an idea, don't be afraid to change it. On one of my maps, I stared making one thing, and it turned out totally different than what my original idea was. it as also sometimes helpful to sketch out what you are making. hope some of this info helps you ~mackmack5
Thanks for the help guys and girls, I've been watching this and I decided to make a tower ( Kind of like a LOTR / Oblivion Tower) map, I hope to get it done and posted on the forums by today. I just have to place the weapons, spawns, objective styled items, etc. etc.