Irish Highlands "Work in Progress"

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Firetag, Jun 14, 2008.

  1. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    Wow, those hills look amazing, perfect interlocking.
  2. forgyforge

    forgyforge Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice so far interlocking and hills. Looks good enough to post now. Why notzz? I want to DL nowzz. This looks great!
  3. Firetag

    Firetag Ancient
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    wow I am glad to see people are still interested in this map...but I have once again changed the maps layout so it'll probably be another month...and I might even wait for the new map editor to come out because I have been running into a few problems...First off unlimited budget turns off every other time...and I may even run out of objects...So the new map editor may be the only way to complete my design...By the way I may post another slayer map of mine this weekend and possibly a mini game..just to let you know what I have been up to..
  4. theheat

    theheat Ancient
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    A lot of power weapons.. should probably get rid of the grav hammer esspecially Id there's tunnels. Having the sniper and laser so close together means that one team is most likely to have both at the same time. If there is no warthogs on the map then get rid of splaser.

    Energy sword could probably go to.. just the mauler is great because mauler isn't way overpowered and can be avoided whereas if someone has a grav hammer or sword especially in the tunnel its a gaurnteed kill.

    As for that machine gun turret I think it would be of great use in the attackers base on asymetrical type games only. that will help reduce spawn camping and can be a good tool for advancement.

    You should try adding some fence walls or windows near the BR on the catwalk.. that way someone near the middle of the map can callout to his teamate that a guy is heading his way. It rewards smart players, that is what you want

    Those fire grenades in the middle.. make sure theres only one.. it's an instant kill and you shouldn't need two.

    Add some BR's on either ends of the fence wall tunnel so that its not suicide walking through there, especially if the other team has the sniper. You canmake the no spare clips if you want to, that way the BRs don't last long.

    There is my essay, and I just read you changed the map drasticly so none of this matters... :( :(
  5. Firetag

    Firetag Ancient
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    Your pretty much right on the part none of that matters.....sorry I'll update layout pic soon...too tired tonight just got home from movies lol....but thanks for all that + rep for trying to help..
  6. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    The last time I played with you I asked you whether you were going to take a break on Zodiac and finish up this map. You said that everybody expects you to finish it but you didn't sound to thrilled with this project. I could finish it if you wnat!

    Me and Linmudx could work on it because we have some pretty cool ideas.

    Why people are bumping this is beyond me. You havn't changed the pics in forever lol
  7. Rated Dirty

    Rated Dirty Ancient
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    kewl, so, when is it gonna b done?
  8. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Map looks good so far. Your layout seems very unique but I couldnt help but notice the sloppy geo-merge on the third picture. Should probably fix that.

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