Themes we have had so far: Music Specific Stock Gaming Typography Freestyle Specific Stock Animals Women Military Olympics Specific Stock 7 Deadly Sins Photo Manipulation What themes do you want for the next few weeks? I want to avoid anything too technical or complex so the contest is open to all abilities. Things like pop art, two focals, abstract, etc are too advanced. Photo manip was pushing it and we had around half the amount of entries the past few weeks have had.
Haha, I was accually going to PM you a theme. I was think a hand drawn one, eaither pen and paper or just MS Paint. The only thing you would be able to do is crop, add text, or add a border.
I think that vector art would be a good theme. I don't think its to difficult but really I don't know...
I was just wondering... are we going to have to post links to the stocks used from now on? Or was that just for manip? I think its a good way of showing if the creator has actually put any effort into their entry.
Animation? I just got into animation and it's easy to do, at least with CS3. I'm talking about simple animation also. We could also have anime as one. You could also do ideas like love, evil, justice, etc. Other ones I'll suggest are nature, family, technology, dance, famous people, bands, etc... Something more specific for each SOTW. But those are my ideas for now.
Anime only appeals to some of the comunity and we need to keep it somewhat vague so that there will be many different kinds of entries and not all that look the same. Suggestion: I think it might be a good idea that the winner gets to choose what the next topic is, but they can't enter that week? The idea could go either way- could be success because them the winner will feel as if they are winnign a little extra and have some power or could be a crashing disaster because of horrible themes.
I actually think that anime or animation would be good... But not everyone has animation programs so eh...
Sci-fi or tech would be great ones. Sci-fi would have some pretty cool outcomes, and it appeals to most of the community. And tech would test peoples brush skills, seeing as mostly tech brushes are used in them.
specific stocks are always good because it challenges the community while making it accessible freestyle should be every last week of the month imo, because great sigs dont always have a theme
Yes stock themes are good and require skill to create a very good one but it gets a bit boring and its easier when you use something you like. My idea would be movies (films) not tv shows but and film choice, there's been many dark knight sigs and ive recently seen a zoolander sig. There's a lot in the bloc office at the moment so it would be suitable, There's a wide range to choose from, it wouldn't be to difficult but to make a great one and not just a poster shrinked with a boarder would require effort. Its an interesting theme and would work very well. hope you consider it. o and like tom said: do you still need to include links or was it just for this? thanks
How about History? Make one based upon events in history, WWII, Peace Movement, Civil Rights, Women Rights. It'd open up a lot of doors, and really test people's creativity.
oh my randle I was thinking about some while scrolling down I was like, what about history? Then right then I saw your post. I'm all for this theme. Also: shape sigs (no rectangles) vertical sigs poker computers food drink trees
I think that a good one would be something where you have to collage several stocks, like if you had a stock of batman and superman and you have to incorporate both images into one sig... that could be pretty interesting.
agree completely. With specific stocks you can see how much work is done on the sig compared to everyone else. And freestyle is always a nice theme.
Abstract Freestyle C4D Flow Sprites Sprites Sprites Specific render Avatar of the week? Anime Foreign Nature Sci-fi Movie stock sport Technology Future Food Straight from scratch. (Have to make everything from scratch) Specific size(385x90) or something like that. I'll edit with more.