Well i like the plasma and the explosion in the background .. But you were going for more of a showing off your recon werent you?
I am getting pretty sick of hearing about recon but I like how the light shines of his chest like iron man.
dido man its like "OMGZ I HAZ R3C0N!!!!" "OMGZ R3C0N IS MY ID01" O.M.G.Z. i kno thats not the way everyone reacts but its pretty close to it. No dont get me wrong im not reconist which means i dont hate u becuase recon, in fact i hope to get it myself one day (without mods), i just hate how everyone flips over it like its the gosh dang president. Holy crap man that guy haz recon, he must be like super omega god-mode pwning awesome super crazy good. But anyways to ranking ur screenshot WITH AN OPEN MIND. I give it a 2.5/5 not because of recon it still would be the same if u had any other armor. This is just a basic pic that anyone can do, no offense. Also i hate sticky pics unless there good other wise it looks like they have a freaking mole on there chest. P.S. - Hate to be so blunt about it im just speaking my mind