Ok this ****ing headache has really bin painful for me and I started getting it late august. It spans from the back of one of the teeth at the back of my mouth to a little upper from the my temple. I think it's a cavity in my tooth idk is there anything i can do to make the dreadfull pain stop? It hurts so much right now, im gonna sleep now cause it will probly help and come back tommorow please help. and i cant get my hands on any weed rite now either cause i have no money and can't work and wont be able to just ask my parents for money they never give me any.
Go to the dentist. Or just a doctor. The worst thing you can do for a headache is be on the computer.
Yeah. Get some sleep, and eat good. I got cluster headaches for a while, and its cause lack of sleep. they blow.
If the headache is still bad when you get up stay away from the computer for a while and try to take some Ibuprofen, just incase it is something wrong with your teeth. Its will help with the pain and is a better painkiller than Parecetamol for dealing with inflamation. Best thing to do is to will be to see your dentist asap.
There is a possibility that you grind your teeth at night. There is also the possibility that if you do grind your teeth at night you have chipped a tooth.The pain caused by the muscles in the head can vary from mild to severe and the possible chipped tooth is almost like a surprise pain every now and then. Just to be sure, make sure you talk to your dentist for real!
No, I still haven't said anything. What your have is NOT a headache, I believe your teeth are coming too close together. Weed doesn't work, all it does is make you forget you have the pain, and kill your brain cells. Try refraining from drinking sodas with high caffine in them. You can stay on the computer, this only hurts your frontal cortex of your brain, not you teeth. Have you had your wisdom teeth pulled? If not they may be coming in and tightening you jaw. The best solution is to get a dentist, but brushing your teeth frequently helps too. (PS: I'm not a dentist, so don't count on me being right.)