im pretty sure everyones seen my video about mario vs spartan but i wanted to post it on here by the creator himself!! Special Thanks To: My Brother, and arbiter2735 a.k.a Kyle (yes thats his realy name!!) anyway here it is!
sup genetic. I remember when that video came out i liked it, but like everyone said it was short and credits were longer than the actual video By the way you need to get skype or something and give me your skype name kellan says you know your away around sony vegas quite well, and im always trying to figure out something new to do in that along with AE.
Good vid and I liked this when it first came out and I still like it now. I like how mario dies lol Good editing btw but like penguinish said: credits longer
OMG OMG OMG Genetic is here on teh forgehubs? WERE NOT WORTHY, WERE NOT WORTHY! can someone get this man a respected rank pronto? ..and i concur with the credits longer than vid thing also. I still <3 you though :]
are you suuure??? he sounds like him and stuff ...damn you pengy, why you always gotta ruin my moments?
I love how suddenly Mario dies. It made me laugh out loud. That's the best Halo2 Vid Ever! (Besides some of the redvsblue episodes...)
Reasons its not him. Genetic dosnt double post, or post weird like he has been. Arbiter posted a video of him getting a double kill with a frag nade, and called it a short machinima video. If Genetic was his brother then arbiter would sure of hell know thats not a machinima. Arbiter posted a thread about a video him and genetic are making its an amuter genre, that genetic would never touch. Ips are the same. As far as i know genetic dosnt share his computer. whilst im 99% sure arbiter made an fake account to pretend to be gentics brother so he could be popular here. Still waiting for that 1% confrimation from genetic on aim hes yet to respond from being idle.
I saw this like two years ago or something. How time flies. I bet the person animated all those mario animations from scratch, and that's why it was so short. You know how long that takes!? Anyone who didn't have at least a month on their hands would have stopped here too.
ew. don't even talk to me anymore. that was the wow Edgar. i don't like you. and no, i've never seen it. it was well made but kinda short and lame. maaaayybe if it went on a bit longer, it might have worked for me...but no.
Does this call for a ban? I'm not sure if impersonating a famous (apparently) machinima guy is worth a ban...if so, I can do it.
Alright, here I am. No, the real me ... No, for reals. Ugh. Fine don't believe me. Well, I'm glad this whole situation type thing-a-ma-bobber got all sorted out and such, and I was able to make a forgehub account without using some name no one would recognize me by. Oh, and arbiter, next time you try to be me (for reasons I don't quite understand), use my brothers real name. No, his real real name.
Idk......seems a bit fishy.....were gonna need more proof to show your the real GeneticSpartan and stuff...