Lets try that again in a BMW M6 or a lamborghini lol I'd like to see the difference, and i bet it wouldn't be a blow out at all.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHC7YCboaig Some reason I dont think the Mustang was pushing it to the limit though.
Suzuki GSXR1300 Hayabusa Turbocharged http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ud_gXPCMUDw&feature=related Eat that cagers.
What else is new ive seen that video about 100 times already.Its that swedish ghostrider guy dont call us cagers you jive turkey.Anyway it only takes one car to cut him off and he could kill himself and innocent people.One fall at that speed can be lethal no leathers protect you from blunt force.
Thing is, most riders who ride like that would prefer to go out that way than living life safely tucked inside a large steel cage pretending to be hardcore while driving like a blind monkey. Any dumbass can drive a car fast.
But the car is not invincible your saying like if a car crashed at 170 mph the person could be safe no its not a armored vehicle from video games were talking 2,000-5,000 pounds here your biker is probably about 500 pounds with him and his bike combined.In car crashes all of that force goes trough the engine,chassis and frame up the seat to the driver ontop of the dash board and engine can crush you you think motorcyclist driving fast are taking risk's car drivers get adrenaline rushes too and driving fast in a car is just as dangerous those crash test vids the cars are moving at about 30mph now imagine if a car was moving 170mph. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUPq760LC00&feature=related you see that was not the topspeed of that car.If you ever played a contact sport a player running full speed against another player going full speed the impact is immense if its helmet to helmet your eyes willflash blank you will here a loud boom and possibly get a concussion thats with 180 pound players.Now imagine a 3,000 pound car.