Warship Created by Cryms0n N1t3 with slight help from Carryout killer [br] Supported Gametypes: Slayer(suggested Warship slayer gametype) [br] Map Description This map is like warlock, with a touch of midship. It is very symmetrical, and it should be equal, i haven't play tested. Weapons on map -4 BRs, 1 at each corner base -8 smgs, 1 on each corner ramp, 4 on middle 2nd floor -1 sniper, very top -6 magnums, 2 on 2nd middle, 1 near each teleporter -8 spikers, 2 at each corner base bottom -2 maulers, 2nd middle -4 shotguns, one near each teleporter -1 rocket, I'm not telling [br] _________________________________________________ [br] Overview of map [br] the corner base, they are all the same [br] below the corner base [br] Side view of corner base [br] First floor of middle base, all sides are the same, teleporters are random, cause on warlock you know where they're going, but with random it makes it more hectic [br] 2nd floor of middle base, gravlift to get to 3rd floor is here [br] middle base 2nd 1/2 floor, sword is here, you have to crouch, is it worth the risk? [br] Middle third floor sniper, snipers in the windows, only way up is gravlift on 2nd [br] How to get back in the map if you get out, nothings out there but that, so don't try it [br] This is me standing at the general spawn point on the corner, I don't have security shoulders either, it just says I do, I'm 300 points short, it's an awesome glitch, just thought I'd throw that in there [br] _________________________________________________ [br]Would love if you'd guys try it and give me feedback. [br] Download Warship Download Warship slayer [br]
Then why do I see a King of the Hill marker or Territories marker in one of the pics. Are they supported too? Also, what's with that last picture? It doesn't show the map at all. Such poses are vain and unnecessary in my opinion.
Hmm we cant really see much in those screenshots... I mean, one of them is basically just a picture of a dumpster next to a wall. What starts with F and rhymes with pale?
It reminds me of High Charity from Halo 2. I think it looks a bit cramped, and also, it looks like you could've added a higher wall.
Umm, wheres the ship? I see elements of it but can you please post a screenshot of the entire ship so that I can put the pieces together. The screenshots don't help me see what your entire map looks like. If you do this I and others will probably be able to give you more feedback. Thanks.
the gametype is KOTH cause I used the idea someone had with a hill around you map that greatly reduces score when outside the map, to keep people in you map First-the screenshots are showing whats where, the dumpster is near a door, and that's how you get up to level 2 Second-that was gay, you start with g and rhyme day see, it's retarded, don't do it I can't remember what one high charity is and the wall is low for the same reason as response one at the top Please just download and try it out, it's pretty fun, I might try to fix spawns, cause you spawn up top too much
One thing to point out (no offense mate) No one over 8 cares that you have the security shoulder pads mate...
I think it looks like you put a lot of effort into making this map and it looks fun and playable. I respect everyone else's opinion, but my theory is that you cannot deem a map as terrible unless you've had the opportunity to test it out.