Foundry Elevator

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Orangeremi, Feb 7, 2008.

  1. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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    A while back I saw people talking about an elevator on foundry, and set out to make one.

    It is based off of the same system as the 'turd unclogger' in rusty eagles Porcelain pony.

    Front view from above.

    Front from below.

    Side view.

    From the back.

    Throw a grenade at this grav lift to go up.

    When the grav lift gets destroyed, you lift off!

    Throw a grenade down this chute to go down.

    Where the grenade lands.

    I'm going to make a map based around this elevator later, but for now, its just this, a prototype.

    How it works:
    The grav lifts have a runtime minimum of 1, so when there are less than that, one will spawn. One is set to spawn at start and the other isn't. That way, when you destroy the one that is there, the other will spawn. So, when you destroy the grav lift infront of you, the one below you is forced to spawn. When you throw a grenade down the chute, it destroys the grav lift making you fall and forcing the other grav lift to spawn so that you can go back up again. This system works repeatedly, and has failed only a few times for unknown reasons.

    Download map here

    NOTE: you might have to start the game and change the runtime minimum of the grav lifts to 1, for some reason it isn't keeping it the same.
  2. Jmandaman8

    Jmandaman8 Ancient
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    I think your link is broken, because when I click here, it doesn't take me anywhere. But this looks like a cool idea. I'd like to see it incorporated into a map.

    EDIT: Nevermind, the link is working now.
  3. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yea, thanks, I fixed the link after I published it to the forums... first I posted it here, made a thread on bungie, linked it there, then linked it here...
  4. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    I was thinking of something similar. How about putting the first gravlift on the elevator wall or something as to represent a button?
  5. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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    I tried that exact thing, I stuck a window panel where one of the walls was, but when you tried to melee it, it was either too far, or it sucked you in and you were stuck. If it was too close it would pull on the box and not work...
    #5 Orangeremi, Feb 7, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 26, 2009
  6. Lemonyguy47

    Lemonyguy47 Ancient
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    Nice one Remi... I too am working on an elevator kind of thing... of course I wont copy yours or anything :squirrel_shiftyeyes: lol Im planning on something kinda different... but I will definitely look at yours... it could probably help me on mine too

    - Lemon :squirrel_rubberduck:
  7. Poztar

    Poztar Ancient
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    Oh wow, that's actually really cool Orange. I was thinking about an elevator in Forge the other day, but I figured you could use man cannons and it'd be just as good. BOY WAS I WRONG
  8. Mikey

    Mikey Guest

    I really love the system used for the elevator, it is a really smart idea.

    I actually might have an idea for a map for this...

    Great elevator, Orange

    I personally think it is the best one out there.
  9. wwm0nkey

    wwm0nkey Ancient
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    looks cool I will downlaod it
  10. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow.. I didn't know I'd get this much good feedback, thank you all. ;]
  11. Mikey

    Mikey Guest

    I told you while you were making it that it would because it is such a great design ;)
  12. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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    I know, and I was glad, but I didn't know it was this great.. thanks mike.
  13. Lemonyguy47

    Lemonyguy47 Ancient
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    After trying the map I have a few suggestions. First of all I think you should work on reducing the height, right now it goes almost up to the ceiling, so you would only be able to have 2 floors, and that kind of defeats the purpose of the elevator since you could instead do stairs... also along with the height perhaps try to reduce the number of items... for instance you used four stairs... so if you were to make more you could only have one more. Other then that its a really good elevator and you deserve a pat! *pats*

    - Lemon :squirrel_rubberduck:
  14. Blackbird

    Blackbird Ancient
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    i might use this for one of my maps... if thats okay.
  15. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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    Its fine, just make sure to give me credit for the elevator, if you're using mine.
    I couldn't have more than 2 unless I didn't used 1 grav lift per elevator, but I need 2. I have an idea for making 4, the only problem is that 2 will always have to be up and 2 will always have to be down...

    and this is just a prototype. You cannot really make it go up another lever unless you start on ground floor, which then it would be harder to go down.. right now its just a tester
  16. mackmack

    mackmack Ancient
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    Good work Remi. You can has rubber ducky! :squirrel_rubberduck: Hell, you can has two! :squirrel_rubberduck: :squirrel_rubberduck:
  17. xXmooregamesXx

    xXmooregamesXx Ancient
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    UMmmm..... that's 3 duckies. O well. Great job remi! I knew this was possible!
  18. Skull 134D3R

    Skull 134D3R Ancient
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    That's really nice. I was thinking about using mancannons in a shaft but this is much cooler. Also, thanks to you I just got an idea of how I can make a platform that moves sideways.
  19. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    I really regret how no one commented on mine a few weeks ago ... but because of things ares look a heck of alot alike... does yours move a crate or what? how do you get the the second floor i see how you go up but not down... (ps mine hotel is in maps) mine was based of just timed events where you couldn't call it but had to wait... i think for game play its a bit better because if you leave it to the player to call it... your going to end up with the 1st and 2nd calling it at the same time or trying to...
  20. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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    Well, did you actually post it, or post it in a map without really saying how great it was? And gameplay-wise, having to wait is not the best way to go.. and if it doesn't have doors that open (not possible) then people will just drop down the chute.. and yea, it is described in the post how to go up and down..

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