Chasm by mox rocker played with chasm flags Chasm overview Chasm is a fast paced battle rifle focused capture the flag game that is a symmetrical map. On each side there is a trip mine and plasma grenades and in the center a gravity hammer to help knock people into the pit of death which teleports people to there death. Also there is a side tunnel with lots of cover as well as a deployable cover on each sides. Chasm is a small map that test your reflexes as well as your skills with nades and brs. Gametype The gametype chasm flags makes flag carrier move quite slow but has double the resistance of a normal player. Base player traits have 50% damage resistance and dies from one nade or two shots to the head. Spawn camping has been disabled by giving you two second immortality when you spawn giving you a higher advantage to kill spawn killers. Pictures!! Blue side Red side Middle section pictures Pictures of Stair areas in the base Side tunnel A few last notes if you find anything I need to fix please comment them here or if you have any comments please leave them no feed back is bad feed back Download Chasm Download Chasm flags
This map looks very good, I like the supply of cover you have on this map, the interlocking also is very smooth. These two factors create amazing gameplay which should come from this map Great Job
THis map looks beautiful. Let me point out some good and bad things about it. First of all, the interlocking is beatiful and must have tooken quiet a while. Also, I liked the fact that it is enclosed in the hallways with the barriers because that would make for intense gameplay. The pit idea is also really cool. Now some things I didn't like was that you only showed a gravity hammer and a tripmine as weapons. Are there any other weapons? A weapon list would be nice.
wow loks great definite try out.5/5 oh and check out this map: HAPPY FORGING!!!!!!!
lol thanks for all the positive feedback everyone i may need to change my sig now that ive seen all the positive feed back over this map. There is no other weapons besides those because this is made to increase your br reaction time with head shots and the grav hammer is there to help hit people into the pit and the trip mines give this map more of a strategic approach to it
nice map. the interlocking does look pretty good, and gameplay looks like it would be very fun (i love a game of BRs). Although it does appear that you escape fairly easily from a few of the pics, especially where the bridge sticks out and there is a wall above it. one thing that i think would be really cool is if the pallets were completely covering the hole. it could still be easily destroyed by the hammer or a decently-placed grenade, but, in my opinion,m would be much more epic. I'll elaborate once i get a chance to DL and test. oh and please dont put any of these posts in you sig, at least not any of the ones above me or mine. they all would be pretty fail in my opinion.
this looks great you have my dl... but...i want to know where those teleporters lead to under the sniper (are they a trap)
ok lawful i think your right with the idea of covering up all of the hole would make it more epic and i will do that in a v2 but with the game type you shouldnt be able to grenade jump out of it but idk why you would because that would leave your team one player short for capture the flag where team matters a ton and if they did im pretty sure the invisible wall would push them down and i was talking about for the sig would be to change my best map to this oh and mavecv the telporters in the pit of death do not take you to a sniping spot lol, the just take you to your death =p
ohh now i feel like an idiot, i didnt realize it was up high, and i forgot it was capture the flag. and about your sig i thought you meant the posts... and i was like no
Great map 5/5. I like the idea for the middle and the stairs. But the side passege needs to be worked on. Good Job!
i like it. it is nicley put together there is suffecent cover and the grav hammer in the middle over the hole is a nice touch it just looks kinda small
mabey cover the hole like lawful said, if its only covered by 1 pallet people will avoid completely mabey to much equipment get rid of the portable shileds make it inescabale and add some nice astetic touches what would make the teleporter pit o death really cool is a wall interlocked so you cant see teleporters well, like in cb cypus's (is that his name idk..) distraction
looks nice i think u might have overdone the tunnel tho i see where u were going n maybe try and make the pit fit in more... kinda like um ER? um that one map i no it.... okay i lost it ne one help me out but slant walls in at like a "sliding angle" then use teleporters with only a bit showing.... green n double box dont work well but dont get me wrong nice work just something to think about
it looks pretty good, only a few minor errors, but its too small for me, although some people would probably like it
alright thanks for all the positive feedback but i think we have the right amount of equipment because it adds strategy to the match and the deployable covers help if you are throwing nades cause u can bounce nades off them