The Unofficial Best of Forge Mini-game map contest This contest was made because the mini-game category does not go in depth enough into the mini game section.* I made this also to showcase and reveal the best and some of the best mini-game maps. Depending on how many entries there are will decide the way this contest goes. The winner of this contest will win good rep from me and hopefully the other contestants as well.** The end-date will be November 17th--my birthday. Do it son! The * spoiler: Spoiler *Although I believe this to be true, I'm not vying for change. **I know it's not much but it's about the same you're gonna get with the real best of forge game
I am making a minigame right now, when is the deadline, i dont want to rush cause i just started, you should make it about the begining of november if you havent made one already
Cool, I don't make many Mini Games though. I will wait until ends and see how it goes. I may or moy not post for the map, I hope they are good maps therrrzz.
Dude, a suggestion, try to make your thread look a little more professional. That small little paragraph doenst look good compared to some highlighted, well organised, colorful, pictureful threads.
I'll post'll be finished in bout a week...(maybe i'll post a couple slayer maps of mine too) if I ever find time away from studies lol...
Thank you for pointing out that I'm lazy. I've looked at it and thought almost the same thing but it took 1 complaint to make me do something. you bastard how's that?