
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Nobody Worthy, Sep 4, 2008.

  1. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    five fun facts about H.
    1. The eighth letter of the English alphabet, a consonant.
    2. My second collaborated map with a forgehubber.
    3. My third small map made out of my 18 maps.
    4. My 16th map posted on Forgehub.
    5. A song by the band Tool. One of my favorites by them.

    Description/Background: H. is a very simple map. The layout is an H. When I first decided to make this map, I had no idea it would take me this long to make it. I started sometime back in July. H. went through A LOT of face lifts and minor changes and what not. The final version has been made possible with the help of my good friend xX5w33ny7oddXx, and the help of the tester's guild (they helped me test it, xX5w33ny7oddXx actually helped with the cover, spawns, and weapons). Like most of my maps, I decided to go with gameplay over everything, so it may not look like the best map ever, but it plays fairly well IMO. The floor, although hardly interlocked (and yes, there is interlocking in someplaces, also some geomerging) is smoothish, and fine; I know in some places grenades can fall in "cracks" but usually grenades aren't thrown/fall into them, so please don't say anything like interlock the floor moar plz. We already know that it's not interlocked in some places, and we know that grenades will fall if you look at the crack and throw it down it... we also know that it would please you if we fixed it, but honestly, we really don't have time to... so please just don't post about it. Thanks in advance... Besides, I don't think in an actual game you'll be look down at the floor seeing if there are any cracks (Unless you want to lose). Same with the roof. It's not the best look roof... but it does it's job (and that's to make sure you stay inside the map) So when I say this map is impossible to escape, I mean it. Sure, you could go in forge and just delete the walls that hold you inside H. but that's a given. For games, I have decided to make a five types, but there are six total suitable for H (the sixth being Conquest). I'll give out links for them later in this post There are things outside of H. that I put their for your viewing pleasure, so don't think I didn't worry just on gameplay. ;) Ok, now on to the map screenshots.​

    SweenyTodd's thoughts of the map:​

    Layout Screenshots:​

    This is an overview layout that shows off H. the best (also has notes in it so be sure to read them).

    The A-side 1.

    The A-side 2.

    The B-side 1.

    The B-side 2.

    The Middle Area.

    A closer view of the Mauler.

    Action Screenshots:​

    Oddball, and cool stuff.

    Default Action shot 1.

    Triple Kill! :D

    A cool effect shot.

    "I'm in my base, watching you die."

    Better watch out for them oddballers.

    Blue Team spawning in Conquest.

    Red Team spawning in Conquest.

    Fighting for the middle area in Conquest.

    Sweeny getting a killtacular, lulz (and pwn'd)

    Weapon/Equipment on H.:​

    x4 Battle Rifles: 45 sec. respawn and 2 clips.
    x4 SMGs: 30 sec. respawn and 2 clips.
    x2 Carbines: 45 sec. respawn and 2 clips.
    x2 Spikers: 30 sec. respawn and 2 clips.
    x2 Brute Shots: 90 sec. respawn and 0 clips.
    x1 Mauler: 150 sec. respawn and 0 clips.
    x2 Spike Grenades: 20 sec. respawn.
    x2 Deployable Cover: 120 sec. respawn.​

    Now on to the gametypes... ​

    NOTE: If you don't use my gametypes then at least put on BR start and in Flag and other objective held games put the running speed down. That way it's better gameplay. Also, you can do 1v1's here, but it's not recommended. 2v2's and 3v3's are the best size. Any more, or any less (or FFA's) are also not recommended.​

    H. Slayer: 2v2-3v3.
    H. Flag: 3v3
    H. Bomb: 3v3
    H. Ball: 2v2-3v3
    H. Pit: 2v2 (and 3v3 for a higher amount chaos)
    Conquest: 3v3 (and 4v4's for very chaotic gameplay)​

    Well, I'm pretty sure I covered everything. At this point I would like to thank everyone who helped test this map out, and for xX5w33ny7oddXx helping me make this map way better. Also, I do encourage you to go into forge and look outside of the map. To get a better look of what's out there. Ratings on bungie.net would be nice, but you don't have to do it... One last thing, in case you missed the link at the top, here's another one if you did.​

    ALSO! Please don't say anything like "Oh, you're just doing what the ABCrew is doing with letters and making them into maps..." I made H.'s layout because I had no real idea for a layout that'd be perfect for the name H. This map IS based of the song H. not really the letter H. So plz, no flame comments about me being a "copycat".

    And for one last note this map was made by:
    (Vorpal Saint on the left, SweenyTodd on the right)
    #1 Nobody Worthy, Sep 4, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2008
    Bottlecap likes this.
  2. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
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    Lol what's with the ODST?
    The map looks a bit small for my sight, but the layout itself and the Forging is good, I like what you did with the Teleporters and the Weapon Holder, great idea!
  3. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
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    I remember playing with you once. even before this map was finished I was amazed. I will DL and be back with a review
  4. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    It's the armour they decided to use. (If that's what you meant?)
    It is rather small. But rather nice. :) Thanks for the comment.

    Yep, yep. Thanks for thinking so and I know I'll get something good from you sir.
  5. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
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    Yeah lol, are you the only one with Rogue, or is that someone else?

    Oh and did you, or someone else made that layout on Paint?
  6. Nightfire

    Nightfire Ancient
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    I wore ODST! w00t!

    Hey Vorpal, it was nice testing the map with you, great loads of fun. hopefully you fixed some of the funky spawns there with the help of sweeny. From the beginning I loved the idea of the map and the interlocking is great! 5/5 you know it!

    Nightfire33 ;D
  7. Bass Forger

    Bass Forger Ancient
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    I like your map but you're totally cpoying the ABCrewzzzz... Just kidding. Your map looks very well made and i love the H layout. Oh, and i finally found someone besides me who made a small(ish) inclosed map :). I really think it's a good map but it almost looks like MLG settings. Not that that's a bad thing just pointing it out :). If you really wanted to make it so that your grenades don't occasionally get stuck is interlock the floor boxes. I personally don't mind as i've said before, but it would give it a smoother feel. 4.5/5

    Keep Forging!
  8. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    I did wear the rogue. But please, take a better look, because there's two on Blue Team that wore other armour helmets. Also, in the layout painting, it states who made it.

    We fixed the spawns the best we could and yeah, testing with you was fun. Thanks for the comment.

    Yeah, I was thinking about doing an MLG version of this map, but sweeny and I (and a few others) decided it wouldn't be all that great. As for the grenades, I think it's ok that they some times get stuck because with small maps like this, the less grenades, the better IMO.

    And I will! :D
  9. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Well, I missed 1st D=

    Let me start off by saying, I knew vorpal well, but after working with him on this map, I got to know him even better, and he is a great friend. Now, onto comments. But Vorpal did most of the work, I just came in and added my 2 cents ;)

    My Review

    Ya, this is weird, since I partly created it, so I am criticizing myself as well XD

    The Floor
    Yes, not best thing to look upon, and it isn't the smoothest in spots, I find my character jumping up at times. I personally think this doesn't even affect gameplay, however people will complain cause this is forgehub ;)

    It is such a simple idea, and it works great. I enjoyed the layout, it resulted in some great casual fun with that competitive edge. And the cover is great, not to much, not too little (self praise ;) but sadly, I haven't really gotten to play a full game on the newest changes, which reminds me, next time you get a small party going and I am along for the ride, we should play this.

    For a map so simple, the gameplay from the very first version I tested was great. It was fun, as mentioned above, and I can only imagine that it is better now. I love the 'carbine towers' cause it was just a nice place to stay back, provide cover fire, and get some nice doubles in. It just plays well, simply put.

    Now My Comments about my part in this

    Alright, well when I first tested this map with Vorpal, afterward, I went to post a review, and was very descriptive. Vorpal then asked me to go ahead and make the changes that I was thinking of. There were 2 main issues.
    1) Nades were quite powerful, so I solved this with sheild doors. This solution though created camping, so I reduced their size by putting them at a slant, still allowing for the more strategic grenade throwing.

    2) It was quite clustered with various forms of cover. I removed almost everything, and made the cover system much more simple and dynamic, imo. You still get fair amount of cover, but no longer is it in the way when you are trying to quickly escape that frag grenade.

    I also worked on spawns. Now, there was issues. This map was budget glithced, and sadly, that glitch messed up the spawns, by removing spawning areas (Yes, completely. They were not on the map, or in the inventory, and they didn't do anything cause spawns sucked) and not allowing me to set attack/defend. It also did the same to starting spawns. So, in the end I managed to make most due with what I could, and although I haven't played it yet, I heard they work great, except in CTF, but that I think is unavoidable, and smart strategic players can catch on how to fix this during game.

    So, I won't rate, don't think I can unbiasly, but this is staying on my xbox ;)
    Blaze likes this.
  10. Jebus1001

    Jebus1001 Ancient
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    That's me! ;)

    I realize that you said we shouldn't be looking but, I think that the floor needs to be interlocked... I mean that in a map this size, on a gametype like Conquest, "nade spam" pretty much sums it up. Cracks + Spam = OMGz needs more interlocking. If you say that lost/redirected grenades aren't a problem then I'll take your word for it and shut my yapper.

    I am truly diggin' the spiraled A/B signs, that's hawt


    That should be "Better watch out for them 'ballers" Geez get it right... jk, That red guy is Ballin' LOL
    Nobody Worthy likes this.
  11. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    I'll go ahead and put this in the OP. Since you are the other forger of this map.

    Well, as for the conquest game... for some reason, now I don't know if this was a new change, but starting grenades were off? Maybe it's just my version... but yeah... the main problem with this map was spamming of grenades. But I think sweeny did an awesome job in making that spam be reduced a lot. It's more of tactical throwing now. Also, if the grenades do fall in any cracks then that actually helps lower the spam. But I've gone around the map throwing grenades down into the cracks, for some reason they still did damage, so even though they do fall down them, the still hurt...

    Also, thanks... I figured SOMEONE would like what I did with them. :D
  12. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    Needs moar interlocking!!!!!

    Hahah ya right, I like the layout, simple yet fun, and ill take your word that the shoppyness doesnt effect gameplay. Maybe if you uninterlock some things, LMC3?
    If that takes place? But I'll win the next one, so you can have second place like you got in almost every single category last time haha
  13. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Hey, I tested the map. I was the other dude that had ODST with normal shoulder pads. I loved this map. I personally think conquest plays the best on it. It is worth the download. The floors don't affect gameplay at all so don't say they have to be interlocked, cause they don't.
  14. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    No wai!!! lawlz. :p

    Haha, nah, the map I'd do for LMC3 would be like 3rd Judith... but better. ;) Also, plz comment more about this map next time? :surprise:

    One of the many. :) (Actually, you were in the last testing session...) I think so too. But I am a huge fan of Conquest anyways. <.< :D
    Thanks for the dl and the comment. ;)
  15. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Yeah I remember testing it with you with slayer and odd ball. It plays very much like Paragone and Saphire with the slaneted shield doors and the tendancy to throw your grendaes quickly. I think it works very well for slayer and I know you fixed the spawn system and now the spawn killing issue is resolved. Good work this is a fun map I hope others enjoy it as well. : ]
    Nobody Worthy likes this.
  16. mavcev

    mavcev Ancient
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    this map looks great i mean fenominal but i dont care to much for small close maps.. it looks amazing though best map in a while
  17. BAMFthesenior

    BAMFthesenior Ancient
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    It looks very interesting ill defenitly try it out5/5
  18. Redmonk 70

    Redmonk 70 Ancient
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    I like the idea of H it is simple and sticks to the point. I'm not sure if the carbine towers can help or hinder the gameplay at all but once i play it i'm sure it will work it seems you spent the time on it.
  19. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    We couldn't do much to fix them. But they are somewhat better. (Best they'll get IMO) Yeah, with the shield doors like they are it does have a Paragon feel to it. I must say that's what the idea was based off of. (Though in Paragon they are Fence Walls... lawlz) As for Sapphire, well, I never really played it (I have, but meh) I guess it does have similarities, but what ever. I'm also glad you like it. :)

    Same here. The main, well actaully, the only reason I don't like small maps is because of the spawns. I think we did a rather decent one though. Thanks for thinking so.

    Of course. As long as you come back and tell me what you think in better detail that is. >:)

    Yeah, that's the whole ideal thought of this map. As for the carbine towers, they serve as kind of a look out/cover spot and a nice place for the carbine in general. It was used often at times in testing and proved to help out. Yes, I did spend time on this map. A lot of time. Those were one of the first things I put up too. :)
    Zachary9990 likes this.
  20. Zachary9990

    Zachary9990 Ancient
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    OH! Sure! Show me dieing from your sticky....lol. Honestly fellow forgehubbers, this as a great map to play on, it constantly had action, but i never was spawn killed. This is a great map, It's fun to hide on the other side of the shield door and just wait for them...and then get your butt stuck by a spike. Overall I give this map a 4.5/5 I'm just not a fan of super close quarters maps, but it sure was fun!

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