This is my english teacher Mr. Crossman Cranking that Souja Boy He promised that if we raised enough money for a school fundraiser that went to charity, he would crank that. The funny thing is that he did not know any of the steps except for a few. Enjoy [youtube][/youtube]
private school in miami, Fl: Columbus HS The touch white screen is a smart board, its connected to the computer, you can write on it and stuff, its a touch screen, pretty cool IMO
Doesnt look like the one at my school, that one looks like it's hooked up to a computer. Maybe you can still use it as a touch screen though...
Smartboards? Those things are crazy. My school doesn't have them. We're ghetto like that. Public Schools > Private Schools My english teacher agreed to permanently dye his hair purple & white (our school colors) if we raised enough money for Burma or something. He's cool, he grades all his papers with "Slam Dunk!" or "High-five!" or "Ooo, bummer man!" instead of A's, B's, and C's.
Yea I went to public schools before high school, I like public a little better. Not as strict and stuff BTW, this vid made it to the local news here in miami and a clip of mr crossman cranking that soulja boy made it to the Ellen Degeneres Show a couple of months ago
My school is much more ghetto than yours.. I can guarantee it. I'm just in an offset gifted and talented program that isn't as ghetto...Like a geek school inside of a ghetto school...So we get cool stuff like that.
Orange, that's totally what I'm in. The AP program in Seattle takes you straight through the high school with the worst reputation in the city. If you go to Garfield you're either really smart, or really REALLY dumb. It's a sweet school though. Have you guys heard the new song by that guy? The "Ya ***** Ya" one? That's a terrible song.
Why do east coast schools seem to have tons of new technology, but we're still doing it old school in California? We get almost no new technology at all, and there's more rules than there were 20-40 years ago. The biggest upgrade my school has EVER gotten? A paint job and computers. That's it. Instead, you guys have interactive screens, when mine is just now get around to REAL projectors(ones that connect to a computer).
We have smartboards at my school... and my chemistry teacher likes to crank that soulja boy too. Except she says... "Moooole!"