Hello I present to you my map that I create! It is a map to 2 teams of 8 players it can serve a simulated attack on the vessel of halo1! I try to make the vessel as closely as possible the Pillar of Autumn of halo 1.I took a lot of time to make this beautiful map! this map has two camp the attackers and the defender of the ship. the ship is on the other side of the map in arrivals. the ship is fitted with a hornet: The ship also has a teleporter; To go into the vessel with the teleporter you need to go in the cave which is located at the bottom left of the ship. The map: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
i'm not gonna lie. this needs a little work. maybe if you posted a v2 with a neater ship ,id dl, but not for now. the third pic really just destroys the map. it looks good everywhere else. i'm not being harsh, i'm just being right. sry.
doesnt look like theres any interlocking done to the ship at all but its still good but i would recomend making a v2 with interlocking and add some pics of the inside of the ship anyway 3/5
Nice map for a first post and I'm so happy that you posted it right, most people's first post are messed up. Interlocking is a definite for a V2 if you are willing to make one. Nice map though 3/5.
Welcome to Forgehub, glad to see your map is up to standards of Forgehub regulation! Ok enough with that crap... I guess the two posts above me are correct, you need more interlocking, Interlocking in the air is hard, but if you do it you will get more downloads.
i also agree that you are in serious need of interlocking, if you don't know how it can b found in the forrging 101 section. without it the map is quite sloppy.
kinda sloppy but i dont want to sound like a paret so ill give ome other constructive critisism the pilliar of autum had a MAC gun (magnetic accelerator coil) might want to make an imovable gauss hog on the top back area to fight of airborn ships the autum also had 50 millimeter auto cannons on its undercarrige and sides migh want to put in some turrets or something
Congrats on being one of the rare people who meets the standards w/o editing the post. For that, you win the uber happy face: XD. The description of the ship is a little undescriptive, though.
well the ship has suffered alot of barrage (holes) and its pretty small, anyways i guess you could call it a scale model also the map looks pretty good but what are the ships defences because especially going up against all those vehicles
Im Gonna Download Anyway To See How It Plays. But Yea If The V2 Goes To Plan It'll Be A Pretty Good Map Mabye For 1 Flag CTF
it looks really sloppy and someone has already posted a map like this too, but neater so maybe a v2 would be nice
Good job for taking the time to make a map but I think you should for sure interlock on the v2 and show more inside pictures.
V2 Is a MUST, the Bridges look like they're just stacked up with no attention in it at all, some parts could use some Interlocking and creativity, but the ship in a whole looks like The Pillar Of Autumn.
Hey, great post, great pictures. Considering how horrible I was when I started posting, you are on your way to being a great forger! I think your ship looks pretty sloppy, but if this is your first ship (which im guessing it is) you are well on your way to being a great shipmaster! (i can't even make ships as good as this one) Please dont get discouraged from the idiots who say " Horrible post you suck blah blah blah .000005/5. Dont even listen to them. With a little work this could be the greatest ship on Forge hub! Also, your picture of the ship with the banshee boosting in was great, real fantastic photography. Anyway good job! Keep it up! You WILL GET THERE!
hate to be mean, but to me this does not look like the pillar of autumn at all 0/5 im not even gonna rate. i = hard critisizm, sorry for that. better luck next time
this reminds me of little kids drawing in which you could tell it was a person but you can't tell anything else this looks like a ship but thats it hopefully you can expand in forge a post some better maps
No offence, But your map really does need some touching up. The ship is very sloppy, My little 9 year old brother could possibly make better. But seriously, its a 2/5 from me, YOU must make a V2.
Hey, a word of advice, there's a section on Forge Hub called Forge 101, yeah, it has some great tips on how to make your map look a lot better. The most important thing is interlocking, where you merge objects together. It takes practice. Anyway, the map has a good design, but seriously needs to be re done with some interlocking to make it look better. Sorry for being a bit harsh. Oh, please check out ships like UNSC TITAN, and my own one, UNSC Blaze of Sol, the link is in my signiture. Thanks!