need help making a gametype

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by mox rocker, Sep 4, 2008.

  1. mox rocker

    mox rocker Ancient
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    idk if i got this in the correct forum because i was a little bit confused on things so if its in the wrong forum il delete the post and move it to the right forum

    but heres what im trying to do: I made a jaws map outside of highground where the shark is actually completely underwater, and humans start above the water on a platform made of pallets and i want to have it so that way the shark who will be in a chopper can break the pallets but not be able to hurt the people who are on top of them. So if any one knows what i can do to fix this maybe even add something to the map but i am stumped on this and cannot make it so the shark cant hurt people with the guns
  2. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    make industrucatble vehicles, and have him hit a fusion coil below it.
  3. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Erm... Humans Invicible?
    And the Shark has a Sword, right?
    Or maybe put some more Pallets on it?
  4. Zombiesteve77

    Zombiesteve77 Ancient
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    Maybe if you made all humans invincible, that could solve the problem. However, it would be quite annoying having to assasinate everyone. The way i might do it is simply give the humans more health to start with, but disable shield regeneration. That way they can get knocked by the chopper, fall off the palet into the water without dieing. You could then splatter them whilst they're in the water.

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