I decided to take a break from writing the FH Guide and FAQ to talk about this issue. "Nemi, what do you think about that dumb FH copier???" Now, from what I'm seeing, many members here are branching off and creating their own Forge site. Now, this is perfectly fine. We enjoy the competition, and it allows creativity to spread, as well as promoting the making of map testing. Eventually, this all turns into better maps for all. However, let's take a look at two Forge Hub-like sites that have recently been springing up. Please read this with your own discretion. Press Ctrl+A to view. Proforge Forge Dome So what do those sites have in common? Both were formed by two angry Forge Hub users. Moreof, instead of making their sites do promote different groups, they made them mainly to spite Forge Hub. Now, those two sites are infamous here because of the founders' not-so-good actions here on these forums made to promote their own site. Now, onto the main question. What is my position upon all of this? Well, it's a bit complicated. I am pretty supportive of Forge Hub right now. But I also want to make it known that I do support people making their own sites and developing their own communities. The real problem with the two sites I have listed is that because of the amount of advertising/flaming the purported user has done on these forums, I don't want to join those forums. It shows that if they are a bad member here, by flaming, spamming, and generally breaking rules, that they will be bad members on any other forums. And the worst yet is that if they founded the site, generally, that makes them a staff/administrator, and therefore a site run by corrupt administration. Now, before I get labeled as a hypocrite, allow me to say that the staff/administration here is excellent. Because this site is large, they have a large staff, and that means less biased decisions. It's comparable to a government. Our 'Legislative Branch' has more people in it, than say, a 'Totalitarian Leader' would. Because these different people have slightly different views, they can reach a consensus that will be as fair as possible. If it had less people, or only one admin, the site would basically run as the admin would decide, with stronger opinions. This would make a small community of only people that agreed with that Admin's decisions. On Forge Hub, it's safe to assume that the staff is fairly 'moderate' in our choices when deciding on changes in the system. That explains our fairly large active population. In summary, my conclusion and position upon this argument would be that I will pretty much stay here for a long time. I won't be switching to other Forge Hub-like forums any time soon. So ultimately? Make your site, make your clan, whatever. But if you don't follow your own rules, you're only hurting yourself.
Forge Dome likes to says how much better their website is going to be than Forge Hub, and how different their going to make it, but the problem is that their website is almost exactly the same, sans FH's snazzy portal and changing "Customer Support" to "Help"
Im the same as you Nemi. These forums were made out of spite, and although spreading the community arount the internet is a good thing, doing it this way is very bad. I dont think those websites will last very long, from the experience i had with the people, they wont be able to keep stability on thier own forum.
So.. what is the point of this thread? Interesting note: Halogrid.com had the same problems and a site which was made out of spite and is near identical to HG is now pretty successful and I think affiliated with forgehub. I forget its name but it was started by some guy named killedkenny7 or something.
I love the way you have presented this problem in a non confrontational way. WHat you say is true, and with that, forgehub is great! I wouldn't want to have to deal with another forum (that is forge related) as long as forgehub is around, and that will be for.... quite sometime.
Exactly how I feel Nemi. In fact, there are some other "specified" forge sites out there that I'm looking into joining because they focus on certain things, such as "forge engineering."
No, there was a rez of something like a question asked in january, that was answered in the first few posts.
Hm, I thought I posted already. I know. However, I decided to talk about them mostly just for examples. lol Klink, 'Great job!' is being sarcastic. Like, 'Great job for getting banned!' Ohyeah, and bump. Oops.
I'm guessing a lot of you people would hate me (or would just flame the **** out of me) now... Yes, I co-created Forgedome. Sure it failed horribly but I like to leave the past where it is.