Mile High Club By Forgyforge and ssMR 47ss This map, is yes, from COD4. I got bored one day and decided to make a COD4 level. So I picked this one. I hope you enjoy, this is not playable yet, V2 will be! Also if you have never played or hate it you don't really need to comment! Now The Pics This Is The Top You Drill Through This Is The First Deck, Where You Fall In This is a little eating/lunch room The stairs to the second deck First deck(Note : Floating gun YEYZ) The part you rescue the hostage and kill the last terrorists The drop(Optional at end of game) Outside plane(Doesn't look like one from the outside!) Just an action shot(Not playable, this was forge^) Enjoy, also I made this by myself, I was just out of room on my fileshare LINK TO DOWNLOAD Enjoyz Again!
Why have you done this, brings back countless memories of try after try to get the achievement, I sware i wasted 3 weeks for that acheivement, but good job... 4/5
looks awesome, mile high club was my fav level, it took me ages to do it on veteran, lol. it looks well made and i recognized every bit aswell, which is always good. cant wait for v2 5/5
Also let me tell you, if your saying I took 3 weeks to make this, your crazy. It took me around about 5 or 6 hours. Now I am working on new mapzzz. YAY!
Nice job, its quite a good idea that you used a single player area rather than multiplayer ones. My only two suggestions is that you should use flares rather than stick grenades to make it slightly more accurate and maybe if you have enough materials try to make the outside look like a plane. Apart from that that's one good map you got there good sir
You should make this an assault game type that you have to reach the end before the enemy bomb blows up.
Thats an Okay idea. I will work on it so it can be competitive and it will be for either, infection, or assault. Thanks!
my kind of map this would be great for close combat games. also i loved the cod4 mile high club level, it so much fun!!!!!!!!!!!
Nice map. Looks pretty true to the original. I will look this over later when i get on halo. (almost said cod lol) Anyways, for the playable. you should try to replicate the actual plane gameplay somehow. Make the 3-4 man team drop down, and have the enemy spawn in the bathroom, front of plane, and upstairs. 4/5 Looking forward for the playable map, good job.
It might just be me but the download link isn't working. Great map though. I have seen many remakes of this level but this one tops them all. 4.5/5 ( cuz it's not playable )