Here are some of my best pictures I've made, and i hope you guys like them. Divine Awesomeness Epic The light shines down apon a single spartan Aqua Blade Split Colors If you like them please download, comment and rate! thanks
how do you do the oil and the split colors, i always wanted to know. anywas, fantastic pictures,very cool. but the first one is obviously the mancannon cave on avaluanche, but i like simple.
what do you mean the oil? oh and I'm going to make a guide about the split color one and post it here soon, lol and the first one isn't the mancannon cave on avalanche, its in the icy room
I love them all! The split colours one is very cool! And i love the first one .. Its very sexy =D And the second one is epic =] And the light one looks more like hes being struck by lightning! Lol nice job!
I can see you like the pictures to be different colors.. Thos pics looks really cool! Good Job Edit: eguitarplaya33 is an askar now woot!
Aqua Blade is the most awesome, then the Split one. These screen shots are very good, I like them, the coloring and theming, and position are all great.
How did you make the second to last one? That is really pimping. I love the colors you put in these. Great screens man, I wish I could make some like this.
the second to last one was easy all i did was go to the icy room with gloomy and juicy on and threw a fire grenade...i think lol