These are my other new SIGs. I didn't have enough room so yea...These are not working BTW, so tomorraw I will fix them! Bioshock Spoiler Hitman(s) Spoiler Naruto Spoiler Enjoy, and if you want one, message me!
what did you even do with the bioshock oyour name??? they're too big also....why did you post the same hitman sig in two places you have a limit of 22 images per post (either that, or 20) no reason to make two spam threads, to bury other ones....get a mod to delte this, and get this stuff and place it in the original thread!
These are very samey and you should try to mix it up a little more... Also if you're gonna make something you might as well make it your own... I mean even if it's worse than the original at least it's yours and you had fun making it. Also spamming isn't good and you get warned for it easily.