heya all just wonderin if any1 still plays runescape? lol i do and h3 and cod4 is better lol lvl 76 ftw plz tell me if u do and if u don't them don't post
I'm pretty sure that there's already a runescape thread and I'm pretty sure no one plays anymore. Maybe some select few people but I used to play. Got to level 78 then thought to myself, why the HECK am I wasting my time on the same thing over and over?
lol i only play if i use computer and am bored and don't wanna domah homework, not allowed to play xbox during the week
Sigh... I still can't believe I played that a few years ago, and up to level 126... Thanks for reminding me to kill myself .
i got to 86 and quit cause my parents said i must choose, it or xbl. tooo easy of a choice. Oh and I quit around when hunting was brand new. I played during the good days when Runescape Classic was the only way to play. It had graphics as good as daggerfall
I played... I came up to 82, but I stopped, lol, but there is already a thread about this, but yeah, yeaaaaahhhh... Halo and Xbox 360 in general are just better.
Dude this is gaming discussion, you can talk about any game. personally I don't really like runescape, I like fps games mostly.
Man, i stopped playing runescape way long ago. I was probably 14 or 15 when i started plaing that game. My lvl is 53. I was a member 2 twice in theat game. I hate games like that when they only give exclusive stuff to people who pay for it. If you make a game that is free, then the other crap in the game should be free as well...
Lol I was a lvl 92 called pizzahut3000, I win on idiotic names =p. I quit ages ago and left all my money and items in my inventory so when I log on I got millions sitting there. (cmon you hackers lol)
I actually started playing again and I'll tell you why - Back in 2004, I joned a clan for hit and I made alot of great friends. We were tight as glue. All we did though was pk and sometimes some member minigames. It was great we would pk everyday with about 20 of us, everybody brining their best pking stuff. After I lost membership I got incredibly bored of it and quit on like November 2005. The clan lost like every core member when the wilderness (pk area) was gone, right on the Clan's 3rd year anniversery. Late in Augaust one of my friends for the clan told me about the new pk system that will be better than the old one and I've bin playing again ever since seeing some old friends and the eventuals pking. That and my 360 is broken and my comp will only let my use firefox + itunes Lawl! Current lvl is 92 but I'm not telling any of the lil kids here my RSN sorry.