I can understand the frustration and dissapointment bungie must be having with this leak. I would imagine this was going to be announced alongside of a major suprise/announcement. However, people are always striving for more juicy news surrounding halo. It would have been nice if they had properly announced this at PAX rather than it being sneakily discovered. Still exciting never the less.
In all honesty there is equal blame to share with the leak. If Bungie didn't want people to find out about the new achievements, they should have made 100% sure that there wasn't any info on those 360's about it. At the same time those individuals who snapped pictures shouldn't have posted them online after not being asked to. If I was Bungie, I would have deleted all of the images from the cameras. Possibly another mistake on their part. Either way, most people still don't know about this, only those that have stumbled across this forum or the other. It will still be a surprise to many, and I'm sure there is a lot which we still don't know.
I think they intentionally unlocked all of the achievements. There were people there playing the game right? Well if you wanted the achievements kept secret you wouldn't want to chance someone unlocking one of them. They should have kept a closer eye on the tvs. But I agree that it was a messed up thing for someone to do. If you're a true fan then you should show some respect. I don't understand why everyone's so impatient about everything.
I'm gunna agree with you. We could just wait for it. A suprise is better left late than if you find out something early. You just have to wait ages for the event to happen... That can leave you anxious and wasting your time thinking about it every second of every day :S
Exactly what I'm saying. Some jerks went and ruined Bungie's suprise for us and now we're all sitting here anxiously awaiting something we shouldn't have even known about yet.
I doubt all is lost. It does really blow that a couple of douchebags opened our Christmas presents early, but I bet Bungie has more up their sleeve. There's still a lot we don't know about how all of this is going to be implemented, or even when. I'm thinking for the H3 anniversary, but who knows.
With all of this awesome stuff coming out soon, I really should update the credit card info on my 360 so I'm able to purchase Microsoft points. I'm really excited to see what surpirses Bungie has in store.
Ahhh, I didn't know it came with a seperate bonus features disk....they could have been planning it all along. We'll have to see. I'm fairly certain the case was just meant to hold the 3 games...the other stuff can go with where you put all your other games and movies.
I believe the achievements are just going to be medals that have come out. Having more campaign achievements would be interesting, but are in my doubts.
True. Although it could explain why the Halo 2 with the metal case is lightly thinner than standard case... Anyway, I honestly think this leak was intentional. I mean, if you had something you didn't want people to see why bring it? Why open yourself up to the risk that someone might be get the chance to see it. Bungie being the tricksters and masters of mystery that they are, perhaps this was intentionally made to look un-intentional
Actually you do...that's what this whole discussion is about... And we'll have individual exp for each matchmaking type once the AU2 update kicks in, so joining a match with 7 xp on the 7th of the month won't be too hard.
There's Cold Storage, so I guess they can use that too! This year is going to end EPICLY! I guess Bungie wants to send H3 out with a bang, huh? Who here thinks they could get the new 750 points?
Wonder if people with security and Katana will still have it. It would, however, be awesome if they gave you totally NEW armor for unlocking all of these achievements too. I've always wondered if they can still put new armor into stuff.
The Katana is for a 1000 on halo so It should still be there. I wonder what they'd give to people who got the 1750 GP
Bungie has already said that they never plan on releasing any new armor, but you never know what they will do. I don't think they lied to us however. That just wouldn't be Bungie. They would cleverly state something so then they can say, but no we said this!
They didn't have much of a choice. Either they left the achievements unlocked and chanced that someone would unlock one and find out about them, or unlock them all and keep a sharp eye on the tv's to make sure nobody does something they shouldn't. It was already said that this was discovered at the end of the day, when Bungie was packing up and getting ready to leave. I think it was an accident.
We do still have the possibility of recon for getting all achievements. It's been a year..maybe bungie is ready to give it away? Honestly, no more armor isn't being made but whos to say they haven't reserved some?