Really Sweet map The Aesthetics are very good and it looks like a ship too lol, very nice job 5/5. The only thing that could be fixed is maybe some more scenery, and stuff like that.
by far the best ship i have seen. Incredible interlocking. This map is so amazing I can try to forget about the armory but I just hate armories. Thats great that it's playable. great job! 5/5
It looks like the Pillar Of Autumn. Great ship, ****ing amazing floating and Interlocking, the inside looks great, AWESOME!
Daaang! This is one fine ship. the only things I don't like are: 1. It's pretty easy to fall right out through the vertical shafts 2. It's rather difficult to board/re-board the ship 3. the dorsal and ventral shafts are rather difficult to just go through Overall, I'd have to say 9.5/10.
(Yes get live soon! can download this.) Some one should try and make 2 ships on a map, have a ship to ship battle like that halo 1 map, except more fun (not maening to beg but can someone give me good rep plz)
This ship is stunning. The outside looks amazing, inside is almost perfect and everything is neatly interlocked. This is definitely the best ship I've seen. To me, the only way you could improve this would be to put engines on the back section instead of tanks.
I downloaded it earlier and I loved it. I might suggest moving the 2 Hornets where the Scorpion is... We did it and it was a great hanger. 10/10
Wow! This is definately one of the better ships i've seen on Avalanche. I thought this was going to be another little noobish post But man was I wrong. I think the armory might be a little strong if its the only one on the map though.
I love this map. I even went so far as to modify the map to make it less aesthetic and more playable. But I gave you credit for the whole thing.