Helix [UNSC]/[FORE] Helix by Dom says Oi Download Original Version Here Download Updated Covenant Weaponry Version Here Download UNSC Weaponry Oriented Version Here "This Forerunner structure build has been Industrialized by Human Technicians to ward radiation buildup. [6 - 8 FFA; 4 v 4 TEAM]" Update: I've fixed up the few problems the map did have and added a Human Weaponry oriented version too - for kicks! Enjoy guys, I feel it's a lot better the way it is now, I thank I Sentinel I for all his outstanding review! Overview: The bare simplistic definition that is still somewhat accurate being underlined, Helix is a thought that has once been thought in the minds of many a forger, yet has yet to have been built come today. The map is centered around a spiraling centerpiece reaching a jumping distance away from Foundry's height barrier. The Helix itself is made up of 16 fence walls spiraling around four bridges, allowing players to both anticipate enemy movement (or evade it) and even fire through the very floor you're walking on. An inward 'Cyclopean' wall circles the Helix, yet the map's barriers allow players to ride atop said wall via lift system to where a plasma turret is housed. There are two areas off to the side serving as both bases during Capture the Flag matches and to divert game play away from the single room alone, opening up the map with a much more airy feel. The map itself is very Forerunner-esque aesthetic wise, but this is mainly due to my use of shield doors to patch up a few wholes here and there where merging would have just been unnecessary; The Shield doors serve as grenade barriers and aesthetic touches. There is also a teleporter system that doubles as an aesthetic touch that will be explained with the picture of said system. The weapon system I used to create this map was done to make game play competitive yet vibrant and colorful, just to match with the theme of the map, so although you'll spawn with an Assault Rifle, the weapons you'll find are mainly Covenant, with the exception of a Flamethrower and a Sentinel Beam set to Symmetrical and Asymmetrical games respectively. I'll create a new MLG/Human oriented weapon set on this map if the demand is great enough, but let's just see how this turns out on it's own. Variants supported: Team Slayer FFA Slayer Capture the Flag Oddball King of the Hill Weapon List:Plasma Rifle - 4 Carbine - 4 Needler - 2 Brute Shot - 2 Beam Rifle - 2 Fuel Rod Cannon - 2 Flamethrower - 1 Sentinel Beam - 1 Plasma Cannon - 2 Plasma Grenades - 8 Flame Grenades - 2 Gravity Lift - 2 Regenerator - 2 Overshield - 1 Video: YouTube - Helix; by Dom says Oi A thanks to BL00d Fir3 for help with that piece of awesome-sauce! Pictures: Helix (Ground view): Lifts / Cyclopean Wall (Aerial view): Cyclopean Wall (Side view): "Base" entrances (Side view): Base (Aerial view): Base (Third Person view): Action shots: Shooting through your footing: The Helix, being made out of fence walls, is a much different addition to a map than what you would find in a map that is meant to promote hills, these slopes are completely diverse. You can see through them, you are able to fire through them, and I recommend you make good use of them as you move your way around the map. Lift and Regenerator: A common tactic you'll find desperate players using is quickly grabbing the Regenerator milling at the base of the ladder, shooting themselves to the top of the Cyclopean wall and regaining their shields before there pursuer can catch up! Be careful up here though, as you're often the target of many a grenade. The tactical use of footing: A simple look at three players and the many options they have of movement. There isn't much special going on here, but this photo makes for a good overview. The teleporter system: Underneath the primary entrance to each base lurks a teleporter which takes you to the entrance opposite of the base the teleporter you've just gone into was under. Confusing? Not as much as it sounds, it's fairly easy to understand through the use of pictures. Many a time a player will venture into this green mix to be followed by his pursuer; Now what have we learned? A big thanks to: Bl00d Fir3 for capturing the video for me! Tex and Chips for wonderful mic absent, distracting forge sessions! To all the testers that helped build the map to what it is today! Thank you Forgehub, please enjoy. Download Original Version Here Download Updated Covenant Weaponry Version Here Download UNSC Weaponry Oriented Version Here
Ah, yes, Helix... This turned out much prettier than I was first expecting. The elevator/ladder looks like it works swellingly. This is another map that I need to play on right meow! Big ups for the fuel rod gun inclusion. Ballsy.
I like circular rooms lol, so that made me like this a bit more. The whole central area looks really good, I'll probably have to play it to see this map better though. Downloading now. . . anyway, 5/5 based on the pictures, looks really good. -Vivian Edit: Who's the idiot who rated it a 1 star on Bungie? That's no fun.
This map was great to play...until you lagged out of the game and left me and Toppum staring at each other for an hour. N33dz m0ar int3rl0ck1ng tho! 5/5
Awesome, Dom. Ive been secretly waiting to see how this turned out... DLing now. Your maps are always pretty unique, so naturally I'm excited to check it out. I'll get back to ya with some more feedback after I give 'er a go
Pwah. I still can't believe you took out the fusion coil spawn pit. I'm telling you, that was a very tactical addition to the game, and you ****ing ruined it. lol, I was waiting for you to finish this since you'd shown me. Come on, balance issues! Why did you put the needler next to an overshield, jeez! lol
Haha, last time I took point with this statement I got a warning, so I'm not going to say anything. To everyone else, I ask you; would you rather me keep the map as is, or remove the Overshield and the doors below it and add in a fusion coil pit, I'd really like some feedback on this? : s
Sadface Dom, sadface. I got around to playing the map just now, and broke it within a minute without trying. Oh well, it's still amazing. -Vivian
Wait, what? Are you serious?! O__O Send me a friend request via live and show me how, because to my knowledge it was unbreakable as is! *Honestly shocked*
One of the rooms out of the main area, floor is made of walls. Not sure how to explain that too well. You have a shield door on top, to cover holes that didn't need interlocking, as you said. You can either nade-jump, or just regularly jump from a higher point, to get on the wall. Then you can crouch a bunch to fit through. btw, your honestly shocked thing makes me feel like your being sarcastic, not sure if you are or not though. I'll take pics, hold on. Edit: Teehee. I got back in with weapons from your FMGC pile also. =)
I'm not being sarcastic, at all. To the extent of my knowledge, there's a little crevis in one of the bases that you can crouch jump into, but you can't crawl through, did you somehow escape this? And furthermore, how did you find out so soon? Haha. Pictures would be greatly appreciated, yes. EDIT: GAH. STAWP BREAKIN' THE MAPS WIFFOUT LETTIN' ME KNOWS HOW.
I'm working on pics, my comp is being retarded though, will post as soon as possible. (trying to get em now...) Spoiler ^ That one is me grenade jumping up to that crevice, I think you understand where that is. ^ ^ And me on the other side. You just jump up on the ledge that sticks out, and no, you can't walk out, or crouch walk out, but if you repeatedly tap the crouch button, it lets you through. Some puzzle maps use that. ^ ^ This is what you use to get back up after grabbing whatever you want from the FMGC pile. The items come from the pile also. ^ ^ Park the car under the hole in the map. Get on top. Throw grav-lift down through car. Jump off car through hole. ^ I would say it wouldn't be important, because you would get killed in the process, but that's not true, it only takes a second to go out. And it wouldn't be important if they got out, but you have a weapon pile there still. Done with pictures btw. (You could just put an A or B sign there by the way. Simple fix.)
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. That's not cool girl, you lied. You said you didn't try, no on repeatably presses crouch unless there an epileptic! Oh well. I'll plug that up easily, and won't lose too many downloads doing it, I have no idea why this thread is failing so hard. Only 20 downloads... : \
Yeah, I was surprised it wasn't getting noticed more too. ___ I guess a lot of people won't know how. But I do, so it's all that matters.
Why hought thow forgehub brethren not flock to thee? Why shant they know of thow's succulent interlocking, exquisite and not crapp'eh use of teleporters? Err, i dun know. But I have looked at this map. And I think the deal is the screens just don't do it justice. Everything about the layout and cleanliness of the forging would seem to be adequate for an appropriate amount of buzz surrounding this map, but neh. Unfortunately in the two days this map has been out not enough credit has been given due. Go play a damn game on this thing and have some fun. Really, what map recently has a central collumn this good with sufficient platforms surrounding it and a freakin plasma turret? *Silence* Yup, that is what I thought, so unless you guys would rather ignore this and download some other map based off of just the screens, ah well.
Dom this map was great! I really enjoyed playing on it. It has its own type of play style. Its very hetic. Jumping from certain parts of the map landing in the "Tower of Power" so to speak and battling up and down it was lots of fun and it gave its own sense of play to it. I reall like the layout of this. I have been thinking about something like this smiliar this accept the tower structure would be in the center of the general area of foundry and it would look completle differn't. anyways, Im going to try to get a game on it to give a more in depth review for you. I have played it a few times but I want to give it a good soild run at it. Nice work so far from what I can see.
God dammit. I thought I was cool when I did a spiral. In a circular room/area. -streetcred. THOUGH, my 'Helix' is circular, and not block-formated! Anyways, onto the map, it plays well and I really do like it, but it needs something to add to the already running fun-factor. Also, I think this map has used shield doors correctly and now the updates have reduced camping.