How do you kill others when messing around on forge?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Something., Sep 3, 2008.

  1. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    We've all had those moments where friends come in and mess around in forge with you. When it turns into an all-out brawl, what do you turn to to defend yourself?

    Personally, I like fly into a corner, spawn a sniper, and start taking faces. But nothing beats a good old fashioned box to the face at times.
  2. PsychoPeng

    PsychoPeng Ancient
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    Me....I spawn a warthog and run them over with it...If they're hiding in a hard to get spot...I go into moniter mode and then pick up the warthog and hit them with it. If I don't do that...I make an elaborate fortress with kick-ass sniper towers and dare them to come and get me!
  3. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    Most of the time, I get a wraith or I just fight like in matchmaking. I always hate it when someone messes around. It gets annoying
  4. ezekeil20five17

    ezekeil20five17 Ancient
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    i spawn a bridge and hit them/drop it on them trapping people inside fence boxes is always funny
    hold a man cannon and push them of an edge
    throw a f coil at them
    tele r nodes dropped into a man cannon fly well and are lethal
  5. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Sometimes it depends on who starts it. I've chased some people with boxes for hours, it can be quite fun.

    An epic story:
    A few months ago, I was forging by myself on Boulevard, unknowingly that I had left the party open. Well, I saved, moved a few things then I see "User has joined the game" "User has joined the game". So two people joined. Well without even thinking I saved, luckily. For about ten minutes, I watched over then like a hawk as they jumped around my map. Eventually when they were spending long times in forge, I began to worry but rested easy knowing I'd saved. Well one of them grabs a box and swings it across the map. So I thought - It's ooooon!
    I ran over to where sniper spawned, so I was doing so as if it were normal slayer, and began to shoot away. After a few moments he throws a wall at me, I dodge it butI didn't dodge the double box. So this triggered me to do all in my power to retaliate without throwing too many boxes. So I sat back and watched them dismantle my map.
    I head back to the foundry base and spawn myself a beam rifle and sword. THe battle ensues for about half an hour. THe final result: Myself ending the game when I hit 50 points.
    Final points 50 to 14 I think it was. I got a running riot and I was quite proud of myself.
  6. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    well whenever someone joins a game that i want to leave, but i just dont feel like booting them, i spawn a sniper and a sword, and create only one spawn point in the back hallway while the persons in the main area looking at the map, then i take out my sniper, snipe the guy, and when he respawns, i keep assassinating him with the sword... after about 3 or 4 killionaires, he normally leaves. its fun, and i just love seeing me have that many points and all those medals after i end the game.
  7. PsychoPeng

    PsychoPeng Ancient
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    Another great thing to do which I got of the Bungie podcast (Best thing ever) is to drop a teleporter in a place where the player will die and get a sender node and just sweep the players into the "dead" zone with it. INSTANT FUN
  8. ezekeil20five17

    ezekeil20five17 Ancient
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    i never thought of that watch people who join me in the forge

    It also should be said that i like joining people/people joining me in the forge but
    1.never fire the first shot its the hosts choice as to wether to kick off

    2.DO NOT DELETE/MOVE THINGS add things sure but never ever delete

    Thats the way it should be
  9. PandaMan

    PandaMan Ancient
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    stick mah self with plasma nad then go in forge and when i'm right next to em i go into sparten and then its BooM Krootal1ty commited suicide
    BooM Krootal1ty killed (ENTER NAME HERE)

    lol pwn
  10. criggs3c

    criggs3c Ancient
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    i like to stay as the monitor at the top of the map and when someone walks spawn a tank and drop it on them. lolz
  11. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
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    Or I'll spawn shitloads of power weapons and put them in my 'lazy' base, or I stay in Moniter mode kicking ass with Double Boxes.
  12. astronum

    astronum Ancient
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    me, i either, hit a box at them then delte the box and boot him before he gets an object, or the "i always win" option; i boot them and contiue forging (because none of my friends (exept one) are from forgehub and none plan to go there)
  13. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    I made a map, where all the spawn points were in their own room with only one exit. That Exit, had a death trap switch set up.

    After a while, people stopped joining my forge sessions weather I forgot to close the party or not. Although, people joining has picked up again so I may need to re-make that map.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    Gawd you guys are unimaginative ('cept Way). I like to spawn a bridge and start spinning it, aim for the neck.
  15. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    Pfft, nah, when my friend attacks me with a flamethrower, I go under the pipes in the middle where they can still see you, wait for the to stand on top of you to try and kill you... Spawn a double box and splaaaaaaat
  16. forgyforge

    forgyforge Ancient
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    Completly right! Boxes, snipers, wraiths, and plasma grenade. I love those in forge. I will do that know....:I
  17. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    Heh, just yesterday I was having a bit of forge fatigue , so I was messing around with a friend. I would spin a double wall kinda like a windmill blade, and he tried to run through before it flipped up and sent his ass into orbit.

    He failed a lot of times.
  18. Stoj

    Stoj Ancient
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    This is DEFO my favourite 'trick'.

    1. Make sure there's only 1 respawn point on the map.

    2. Locate it.

    3. Have a sword/shotty in handy.

    4. Kill the other person.

    5. Go to the Respawn, stand behind it.

    6. When a figure pops up in front of you, hit RT, this should send signals through your controller to shoot and you kill the nubcake you tried to kill you.

    7. Watch the kills rise and watch the medals flood in.
  19. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    I must say, my favorite method of dealing justice to out-of-line monitors is through a good ole Splaser. Seeing as how you can't exactly splatter folks when they're in monitor mode (unless you're really clever about it), that and flamethrower/grenades are my method of choice.

    However, when it really breaks down, my favorite method of dispensing justice is through the use of a big stick. In levels that have bridges, it is absurdly fun to use the sharp corners as a means to cut people down, but where there are no bridges, there are radio antenae. >D
  20. TheGreatHibiki

    TheGreatHibiki Ancient
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    The Death barrier tele.

    I have a defalt Death tele empty foundry. Outside the map high in the death barriier is a reciver. if someone gets out of line I simply spawn a sender to the channel needed and wave it over them.

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