Oh yeah, I forgot about Assassin's Creed. After about 3 missions you realize you are doing the exact same thing over and over again. Twas fun while it lasted though.
Gears, I liked the single player for the first 10 minutes. The multiplayer you ether dominant or lose epicly, no medium. Rainbow Six Vegas, lots of people love it but it has poor aiming and a faulty cover system. COD4, I don't hate, I really enjoyed the single player it had a good story and some very good levels, but the multiplayer is very annoying, like Gears you ether win or lose really badly. Realism is not that fun but everyone is doing, I think the developers need to make game without a focus on realism. Guns in most games are the same, more games need stuff like the Land Shark Launcher. I was awsome and creative.
Fusion Frenzy 2! Lol jk that isn't a great game. Let's see, I hate..... GTA just because I think that while the action is cool it just is degrading. IMO
I dunno. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate it or anything. I'm just meh about it. Something about the game, I just didn't care for. I really liked Portal, though.
Call of Duty 4, most people I know are in love with it. Personally I just don't like it for several reasons. If Halo 3 didn't have forge there's slim chance I'd still be playing it. Bioshock I cannot understand how it got game of the year? its a great game, no doubt but Game of the Year? I just dont see it. 2k made a great game in Bioshock but I feel the Darkness is so much better, the Darkness is underrated. Bioshock could be very awkward and time consuming sometimes like when I couldn'y find this glass of water, which I still havent found. Assassin's Creed is an amazing game there's almost nothing you say bad about it. Other than its replay value. GTA IV is great but no way was it as good as people said. In a way it makes you resent the game. Gears, I just don't like it. It feels very heavy if you get me. Just not the game for me. Skate. is one of the best games I've ever played, just wanted to say that.
COD4. I have zero, and i mean zero interest in real-life based war games. The game itself was pretty badass, i have to tell you. I played it for awhile just because it was so well put together... But i dont wanna fight terrorists... I dont care to go sit in Russia or Bahgdad or wherever. Theres no.. Escapism to it, and thats why i play games. To do things i cant go do myself.
GoW (multplayer) - I can't tolerate GoW's multiplayer. It just feels all wrong. I'm not bad at it (quite the opposite, actually), I just hate how it plays. I really hope GoW2 feels different, because I really want to love it. WoW - I don't know if I could call it a great game, but I hate it through all the millions of fans. It's not different enough from a standard MMO for me to care. Counter-Strike - The shooting system is just so off. I have friends that tell me 1.5 would have been more fun, but I didn't get started until 1.6, so I'll never know if it was any better than the current failure.
Skate. is THE best game. EVER. The flikit system made this game. And the fact it's one big map, not tons of little ones. I love the freedom. Call Of Duty 4, I don't really hate it as to dislike it. It bores the hell out of me, no variation in gameplay. All the weapons feel the same. Assasins was alright the first time, but sticking the game in the second time feels like deja vu. The gameplay was unique, and boring. Gears didn't do it for me. Host advantage fails. Auto-hiding behind stuff - who cares? I actually like positioning myself in halo.
GTA 4 cause it got a freaking 10 out of 10 and all you do is go around and pick up hookers in your car. cod4 cause everyone hates it and halo 3 and cod 4 are pretty much rival games now....
I'd have to say GoW, as some people have stated before I never quite got the rhythm going for the game, and no matter how much I played I could just never get a hang of it. I was never drawn to the story line, I played a little bit and found it boring. Not to say I do not own it, like probably every xbox 360 owner, I have Gears. Another one I did not enjoy was Half Life 2 Although as popular as it was, I never got into it like Gears. I went through a lot of the story as well, although if you asked me I could not tell you where I am. Luckily I got the Orange Box and portal was in that which is 10x better than Half Life in my opinion. I suck at Call of Duty, so I won't even go there, and I have attempted to get better, but it's another game that you either have the rhythm or you don't. I'm not a hardcore shooter gamer in general, so these aren't the best titles for me. Another let down was Too Human, but I still enjoy that.
Ah yes, I keep remembering games and coming back here. I'm not sure about world wide popularity, but where I live and the people I play with on Live all said the Bad Company was like game of the year material. I used to play the battlefield games but got bored of them quickly. The large scale battles really put you at an anonymous level. Anyway, I got it, played it twice online, got like halway through campaign, and now neither me nor any friends on live have touched it in over a month.
I hate to say this, but I never really liked assasins creed. Don't get me wrong, it's a huge area with thousands of NPC's that make the game amazing to play, but after a day or two of playing, it's the same thing over and over. You jump from roof to roof, kill people sometimes, blend in real quick so your not attacked. That seems like the whole game.
Oh yes, I forgot Bad Company. That was definitely the worst game I've played for the 360 so far. The plot was rather empty, and the game play was simply boring. Great games have something awesome you've never seen before. Bad Company, in all honesty, was just running through the grass, shooting at terrorists of some cliché country. I rather liked GoW, I played co-op with my friend and I must say it grew on me fast.
Alright well I do hate Halo 3 by now. As stated, just not what I totally expected. I only play it to beat my sisters boyfriend. CoD4 had an awesome campaign, with that over, there was just no reason for me to play anymore, and the multiplayer sucked imo. I also hate the newer NFS games. The earlier ones, specifically most wanted, pwnd and I replay it a lot, but like CoD4 and what not, it has become too realistic. liked it when your car took no damage and everything was then crazy awesome. Two games like that are Hulk: Ultimate Destruction. Greatest game. And the new Mercenaries 2. It's another game where everything you see can be blown up and destroyed. It's that complete unrealism that makes it so awesome. Also, Most every Wii game, sucks. Except Twilight Princess. It's just when a game developer coats the game in too much realism that it loses that awesome, uncanny epicness. If I wanted realism, I'd go join the Army.
I didn't enjoy Fable that much I tried it for Fable 2 and just didn't like it. I tried Half Life 2 and didn't like it too.
Three good games that I don't like have to be Call of Duty 4, Battlefield Bad Company, and Assassin's creed. I opened Assassin's creed on christmas and it totally wasn't my type of game. I never had played it since. Call of Duty 4 is too modern for my style and I found it to be quite boring. Bad Company I just didn't like it due to the fact that you had to use like half a clip to kill some one so like triple and over kills were almost impossible for me.
Oh, Earthbound. I hated the music, and the combat flowed in a way that I just wasn't comfortable with. People cite it as one of (if not the) best RPG ever, but I rank it very low.
COD4. why do I play videogames? Because reality is the worst game ever. What's COD4? A game based off reality. I do not wish to see 10 guns that do THE SAME DAMN THING (they have ten machineguns that do nothing different from one another, 2 shotguns that do the exact same thing, a few sniper rifles that are not unique in any way, and some rocket launchers that are boring). ROCKETS SHOULD NEVER BE BORING! Ghost recon 1 and 2. It is only good in that it expresses my hatred for illegal imigration (GET A GREEN CARD DAMN IT). Halo 3's campaign. It was short and easy. Very easy. Too easy. Final Fantasy (all of them). How many damn sequels and remakes does a game need (anot to mention spin offs)? They have at least 25+ Final Fantasy titles. Stop Making them! Square Enix, Do me a favor and MAKE A DAMN TRILOGY NEXT TIME!