It might not be a very good idea to lie in wet cement... This happened by accident when i was watching a custom game. Linky
Wow lawful i love it! When i saw the title i was like wtf? A bath in halo .. But now i get it =] and its a very nice pic! I like how there is no gun and he looks stiff as if he got cemented .. Nice job! =]
HAHA. It looks like a statue. And yes Very funny. HAHAHAHAHAHA. 5/5 and a DL though I may forget, because I don't DL many pics. Good Job though!
His position is awesome, so would I look like... :/ Great picture, and I am really starting to wonder how I Geo Merge Spartans/Elites.
Very nice picture. I love how the elites head and hands look, exactly like they would if he was stuck in cement. The only thing is it would be better if you could not see anything but the concrete. He would look like he was laying down in the cement. Very creative picture and good job.
yeah that would be better matt but this actually happened by accident when i was just watching a custom game. i wasnt prepared for it. so yeah and alienvsbon, i didnt geomerge him(or her)
Just lol, i have ahd that happen a few times with spartans. First time i have seen it done with an Elite. Thats what you get if you try to mess with the mafia
lol yeah i guess the mafia are starting to take it a few steps further. oh and somehow i havnt explained hoe this happened. this elite got killed by a sword, and flew into (and through) the barrier.
its the work of the elite mafia i wonder how that happened .. laggy games prob but cheers on finding it