CANCELED until further notice. I suddenly do not have ANY time whatsoever to be hosting this. DOn't worry though, eventually I will do another one.
i think youll find after this one that you need to take my advice, and give forgers more options, otherwise these competitions will die.
dude, seriously, can i be the judge, as I was the first also, i completely agree with lightsout, at least add another map, like guardian or something, and allow extra gametypes, such as infection, etc etc if it was like sandtrap, with gametypes, i would say leave it only sandtrap, but with all gametypes....that was a favorite map Pre dlc coming out..... consider it! also, PLZ MAKE ME JUDGE!!!
I'll try but I hope you know you can't block off the entire inside. I've tried and I always had about 4 or 5 doors left, so the maps are going to be increasingly limited and will probobly mimic each other. EDIT: I've actually got a good idea.
I don't want to be judge, just sayingzz. I will make one of these in a min. I hopezz you will enjoy. And I saw its for outside. Forge shall be with me!
LIGHTS- What do you mean give them more options??? I didn't limit it to a gametype or anything. The only restriction was that the map has to be outdoors! They can do anything! Bread- I never said you had to block off all of the doors. Get creative with it.
just sayin, good luck on getting more than like 4 entries... kinda a waste of time if youre limiting people to such small spaces/gametypes/maps. you should really open it up. Doing just the outside of epitaph is just dumb. sorry, but its true. at the bare minimum you should keep it with the entire of epitaph, and score higher on maps that are creative enough to just use the outside or somethine of that nature
i'm not positive with the layout of epitaph, but it might be able to support a mini-game MAYBE, but like i said, im not sure about the layout... ill try though
Come on man! i had great ideas for the inside of it, ther isnt much you can do outside other than a floating map, and you can barely do that. it seems almost impossible, i was really looking forward to this contest, but i guess i will try.
I can haz judging? I almost won the first and I know what to look for... Am I allowed to post a map If I judge?
i was just on epitaph and if you do it outside then there is almost nothing to work with,please just make it all of epitaph cause epitaph is challenging enough
Actually, I already started (idea block on my newest map, so I am doing this in the meantime) and I have some good ideas, however, it is hard to block off epitaph with such little amount of objects to work with =/
Sweeney- glad to hear your already working. Lightsout- You'll like PDC 3, Its right up your alley. Teerav- your not thinking hard enough man, I spent Half an Hour in forge on Epitaph just checking out the outside, I got a TON of ideas. If I wasnt judging this map myself then I would enter a submission.
bloody hell - this is gonna be as hard to work as jacksons nose graft - but i'll giv it a try even if itd half messed up - again like jackson
OK,OK, everyone. I updated the post. NOW you do not have to make the map only outdoors. However, if you DO, you get 1 extra point on your final score. You guys didn't like the challenge, I guess maybe it was a little too hard.