Thanks for the wall of text, glad to see more people wrtiting essay like responses. I spent alot of time forging and playtesting this, i really wanted to build a city type urban map that had great gameplay. Thanks =D
Hey Paulie this map is awesome, the map is really great for Br's short to mid range,intelocking is perfecto. I cant beleive the map hasn't been featured yet, this map should be featured now...
Thank you nuke, this map is very well suited for the battle rifle with all the differnt levels and open and medium to long range combat an the streets, and br starts work pretty well with gameplay.
wow this looks like a really good map with a bunch of stuff i have never seen implemented into maps before. i like the clock tower and the realistic looking crane. you have my DL
I'm really surprised I haven't played this map yet, D/Led. Everyones talking about how the game play is amazing on the hub pub. I'll edit this post tomorrow after I'm done testing the map. Looks really 5/5.
Thanks, i hope you enjoy it as many people do, im glad you heard the gameplay is amazing, and hope you return with good comments.
Metro is officially my number one rated map for game play. I decided to download it last night, and sorry for posting twice, but wow, people deserve to know how great this map is. And, I've heard talk about a feature, but why isn't it happening, this 100% deserves it out of any other map I've every played on in FH. The spawns are well made, the weapons are balanced and placed in hard to reach places,like the rocket launcher. What's there to make better. I played a 3v3 on it just about an hour ago. Again, no spawn killing, and there wasn't any "power weapon" problems. I noticed all of the geo merging was clean, and that you even went to the step of geo merging doors into the wall, which for some reason seems to be hard. The map's layout sets for awesome game play without getting "Tr1pL3 BR'D" all over the place. 1 bomb 3v3 was my ultimate favorite, along with 1 flag CTF. The large defender base works really good and isn't too powerful or camperific. It seemed the playing didn't go by to quick or too slow, it was just right. So pretty much there's no improvements except for to stop feature stealing, jk lol. Finally, the main thing I liked about Metro was that it felt so big, maybe you increased the size of Foundry... I sense a haxzor...? 5/5 Paulie.
thanks for the amzing wall of text, i put it in the op. I put alot of time ballancing out weapons to give each team no advantages over the other really, thanks for the amazing review =D and i bet it is possiable to hack foundry and make it bigger.....
This map is absoultly amazing paulie. The map has aesethics, playability, and balence. I agree with even that this is defenitly your most playable map. Great job. This is defenitly one of the msot origional foundry maps i've seen becasue of the crane and highway. This defenitily fits in as one of your maps becasue of the the house but its still amazing. The crane making the highway was again jsut amazing. The interlocking was perfect, geo-glitching flawless, and weapon placement without error. This map should most definitly get featured. 5/5 and definitly your best slayer map so far.
Paulie the clocktower looks super sexy wonder where you came up with that idea from huh? Thanks for the credit i really should work on my map that you got the clocktower idea from because its like half a year old. But i also think you did a great job implementing other things in it just looks great good job. And for the guy above me the orange things are the ends of teleporters its funny because if you delete the box they are inside and fly through them in forge it makes the game laggy thats how many telepoerters it takes to do that part
I do enjoy the clock tower alot. What I enjoy more though, is the crane. You really have to look closely to notice it. The buildings are great as well. One cool thing you should add to it is put teleporters in the doors that are interlocked into the double boxes, that would be very cool.
thank you gamer, i believe im the first to make a real crane out of foundrys anoying claw, and the door telle trick is cool, but i didnt do it because i needed the nodes for the clock tower and i dont know how they would affect gameplay, as it is very solid as i am told, thanks =]
Even though everyone else has said it before me, the Crane is a really good idea and the Clocktower looks amazing. Thanks for the reccommendation to this map Paulie, I'll rate it for you after I've played on it. (I'd give it 5/5 if it was just for aesthetics.)
Every map you make has its thread turned to gold by an amazingly large amount of posters. How do you do it? Fourteen pages is RIDICULOUS! I support this map wholeheartedly though, despite the fact that I think the name's stupid.