Hey guys, i had to use a title that got your a attention because the last post i had about this you guys didnt reply at all. i am making a baseballe minigame and i need suggestions, especially with the pitching machine andhow to keep the outfielders/infielders doing what thier supposed to, but without honor rules. I am strongly encouraging anyone who reads this to atleast try to give a little feedback. thanks. UPDATE: The Map is on Foundry so far, but there is no need for pictures because i have JUST started and there is nothing on it so far except for a platform of boxes that will be the field (walls and roof will be added later) i was going to use a propane tank as the ball so that when it is sent towards the batter he hits it with his grav hammer (bat) and then runs to the bases which all have go to points on them in order (this will be a jaugernaut game because that is the best one, so it will be a free for all baseball game). what i was planning was the round starts with the jaugernaut at home plate wielding a grav hammer (i will have the settings so that if he misses the propane tank it will explode and cause some damage (a strike) his shield will not recharge and i will find which percentage of damage resistance makes it so that three hits will kill him) once the batter hits the propane tank pitcher will try to stick him before he gets to first base, and then second and so on (i think i will make it so that only the pitcher can stick him because otherwise there would be stickies (baseballs) flying everywhere SUGGESTIONS FOR THIS ARE STRONGLY NEEDED) i either want the pitcher to pitch by pushing the propane tank into the manconnons or whatever, stepping on a switch that releases the propane tank , or something along the lines of that. if you want me to add something else to the post let me know!
You really shouldnt make misleading thread names. Even on purpose because it will piss people off and maybe the reason no on replied last time is because maybe nobody really cares too much. Ask someone you know and will actually answer.
i did not see your other thread on this as i would of answered i also made a thread of a similar nature that didn't get a single response but that dosen't mean you should post another with a slighlty misleading title Anyway........I like the idea i have toyed with it myself and have a few ideas but you need to edit your first post and add some pictures What do you plan to use as balls? Do you want the pitching machine to be switch activated? What game type do you plan to use? Do you have a scoring system? and most of all WHAT LEVEL IS IT ON????? If you edit your first post and add pics so i can see what you are trying to accomplish I'm sure that I {and hopefully others} will be able to help This is how you should layout your post {not advertising trying to help} Right......now you explained i will try to help there is no real way of making the juggernaught spawn in the same place at the start of the game there is sort of a way round it {if you or anyone else knows a reliable way round it please post} see pelican down the link is in my sig.Using this method however would mean that the non rechargable shields would have to be changed.Maybe modifying the player damage resitance to take 3 propane tanks Why foundry try standoff the numbered areas would look good and it may have all the items you need{are there are far far far too many foundry maps} As for keeping people still this is going to be tough{i would rethink this}you could set thier movement setting to the lowest speed and the highest gravity and keep them in a waist high area Either barriers made immovable or walls merged in the ground.You may also consider using mancannon to hold people in place try putting one on the bottom of an open box and walk into it to see what i mean The pitching machine will be very tough to do.I can think of 2 optoins First,the pitcher could be on a raised platform and simply push the tanks in. Second you could put them on an angled bridge and block them with a power up locked into it so that the player would collect the power up and the tank would roll in however they don't roll in a striaght line Also are you sure that you can hit tanks with the hammer? How would the juggernaught know when to stop running? would he have too stop running? Make the go to points enclosed with a shield doors to protect from the plasma grenades which should work well Well i hoped that helped any futher ideas questions pm me In the spirit of Quid pro Quo as you are in the testers guild i am going to need 5-8 testers in the coming week or so i hope i can count on your support.pm me.