Know Your Role This is a completely new type of infection, instead of camping in one place the entire game, you split up into roles. Each role directly effects the other roles. This is beautifully interlocked, with almost all the techniques I have, DO NOT BE FOOLED BY THIS THREAD. I suck at making posts, but mess with my maps, I will go ninjorz on you : ) OVERVIEW OF HUMAN BASE HUMAN STRATEGY RUNNER The object of the runner, it to go threw the right left teleporter at the beginning of the game, they have to make it through several layers of shield doors, to the outside of the zombie room, the then activate the button (Custom Power-up), which releases the lock opening the armory for the Base Defenders. After this, go threw the secret passage, either jump, or use gravity lift to get up the edge, then help secure the base while zombies attack the Armory. Be careful of zombies coming up behind you. Bigger Base Defenders The object of the Base Defenders, is to defend the teleporter going to the Sniper Tower. They have a very small base which is 100% destructible by the zombies. They must kill the zombies that try running into the teleporter up to the Snipers. While defending, wait for the runners to hit the switch at the Power Station, to unlock the door to the armory where everyone should bunker in. Bigger Snipers The Snipers have the least dominate and dangerous job, they must snipe the zombies attempting to launch crates over the defensive wall, creating a barricade to help attack the Base Defenders. It is very wise to have a Defender in the Sniper Tower defending the teleporter incase of a zombie that has broken past the Base Defenders, into the teleporters. Bigger ZOMBIE STRATEGY Option 1. When you spawn, looking at the portals, the left one takes you to the protective barrier on the edge of the base, the edge is completely protective to bullets but it vulnerable to a grenade over the top of the barriers, be aware of this. You can either try to to jump into the Sniper portal, (The very end one) or try to attack the Defender's Base. Option 2. When you spawn, looking at the portals, the right one takes you to the platforms, here you can suicide to make your life easier, SUICIDE. Or risk it and jump over the crates risking being sniped. The reward for this is a perfect landing right in front of the Defender's Base, ready for you to sword lunge at a human. Option 3. When you spawn, go to the hallways and hide in the door holes, waiting for a Runner to come by and kill him, you'll be protected from grenades due to the Energy Barriers, but the middle of the hallway contains a shotgun, which will make it very difficult for zombies to kill him/them. WARNING ZOMBIES, DO NOT TAKE POWERUP UNTIL HUMAN DOES!!!!! OR YOU'LL OPEN THE ARMORY FOR THE HUMANS!!! TO GET TO THE RUNNER'S TOWER, GRAB THE POWER UP !!AFTER!! THE HUMANS DOES AND GO THREW SECRET PASSAGE. ~THIS THREAD WILL BE UPDATED EVEN MORE LATER ON~ MAP MUST HAVE GAMETYPE
I see that you have made a very good and structured post but I recommend making the pictures larger to begin with because alot of people will not want to follow the links and just exit your map. Also I see that is one of two threads with this map so in the future try to only make one thread. ~Billy Reloaded
i like the use of different colors in your thread but listen to the post above this and nobody else say make the pics bigger plz
wow good job informing him on how to get bigger pics ok buddy, first you must go to your screenshot gallery (open the screenshot, basically click on the picture) and save the images you want somewhere on your computer(desktop is easiest) then, supposing you have photobucket(if not accounts are free), click on Welcome______, then click Choose Files below upload images simply choose file, let it upload, then use the code to embed you pictures here have fun and i hope this thread improves
You need to Embed the pix instead of them being small and a link. As for the map 4/4 and a DL to try.
Thx for reminding me, 1. It's completely optional to go push the button, you'll just have to wait 180 seconds which is a long time, 2. Thats alot of people in one area so its better to spread out to thin the zombies out a little.
the map looks good, however could u tell us what the stats of teh zombiez/humans are, and what the weapons are for each "class".