Well, not mounted everywhere. Prettty much just mounted the four main weapons. And I too think using walls behind stairs make them look much better.
Flux is a Killer! The astetics are a pure beauty and as is the gameplay. I love flying around with the ghost and splattering people. I just can't get enough of its a blast. Nice work
I downloaded a while ago and forgot to comment i like your structures, the inverted hexaon and the wall/dumpster colums are fkin sweet another great map
this is the only map that i continue to look back too, very aesthetic and perfect, geomerging those walls has astounded me to this day. this map deserves a 5/5, a four is just to0 harsh. fantastic map, my friend
IS this featured yet if not then it should be . It definately qualifies.. wait a second.. Surpasses the qualities of alot of featured maps ive seen ive been a member of this site for 1to 2 weeks and my god!! I love it already.The shape and structures of this map are incredible not to mention the perfect interlocking .. Great job a definately 100% of a maps quality.6/5 or even better .Nice One !!
Lol, well, not every map can be featured just on great looks, that's only, well... Anyways, I was quite surprised to see this brought back, not yet a necro post. Hmm.... guess I'll have to post the V2 for this now... crap.
yay i can post on it since someone brought it back i actually liked what you did on this map i like it better than jedwali as you probly no for some reasons =P but anyways i played an infection game on this once and i liked the feel of it the gameplay was different and i dunno if it was meant for infection cause we got owned. its weird why i dont have this on my HD im gonna go and dl and play some on it cause i like this map. i agree with the necro poster it couldve been a eligible feature. but i guess that didnt happen
Damn good, I dunno why this was gathering dust in the forums. So here is a non necros bump (because the last reply wasn't three weeks ago) and a bump. But very good merging and I got to say fantastic layout. The dumpsters were used well too.
Dude this map is great. Really good on the interlocking an merging. This must have took forever. Sometimes I give up when trying to merge like this because it takes so long. maybe you got a way better method. Anyway, great job, looks like you had alot of really good ideas here.
There is one thing I noticed when I played this map but forgot to post it. In this picture, in the back right where those walls are stacked up, behind there is a fusion coil. If you do it just right, you can crouch on top, whack it and jump at same time, and you can get on top of the map. Its not a big problem but I just thought I would let you know. Didn't know if you took that out anyway. But about the map it is great and I love the geomerging/interlocking you did with those walls in the stairs. Great work.