Only 12 Forgers on forgehub?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Something., Aug 31, 2008.

  1. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    I can vouch for the staff on an unbiased level. They really do what they're saying they do. They take it way way way too serious. And lots of people's maps get discussed and reviewed to see if they're worth featuring. They aint lying.

    But honestly, is that really what its all about? Will your life be complete once you get featured on FH and have 5000 downloads of your map?
  2. many popes

    many popes Ancient
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    I think people feel forced into giving well known people's maps good reviews in fear of being penalised. I know occasionaly I have given more positive reviews to well known forgers simply because I see them as knowing best and not to question it, however this thread has made me think diferently.
  3. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    I'm pretty sure you mean this is in a general way and not specifically me, but just in case... I'm not talking about myself wanting some feature. All I even have on Forgehub is a realistic infection map. I know it isn't feature worthy.

    However, there are some people who I feel aren't getting the recognition they deserve. I'm not trying to say the staff hasn't been doing their job (The work needed to maintain all the features on this site are incredible), it just seems everyone flocks to the well known people's maps, and forget about the little guy, even if they have a map of equal or better quality.

    Just 7 lashes, sir.
  4. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Lolz for the lashes remark.

    I agree that the community flocks towards those who are well known in the site, but think of it like this:
    You're in a gameshow and there are 3 doors. You are told the door on the far left contains $500,000. The host then tells you that one of the remaining two doors holds one million dollars, while the other contains nothing. You get to pick one door, so which one would you choose? Do you go with the sure thing, or do you risk getting nothing?

    Most people will opt for the guaranteed money, the door they know will win....even if its not as much as the elusive million dollar door. At the same time some will risk it all to get the million. The risk is greater, but so is the reward. It's human nature to go with what is known.
    Something. likes this.
  5. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    Ill tell you how incorrect your statement is. I posted several maps here that got very little attention. I thought they were pretty damn good, and i felt very much like you. Then i realised, there was a million things i needed to improve on. I worked really hard, and promoted them respectfully. I tried to think of new and original ideas, and focus on areas i needed improvement on.

    I was a nobody here, and now i have two features. It doesnt happen overnight after signing up.
  6. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    thesilencebroken, I am not talking about myself. I thought I made that part clear. I'm just expressing concern that the featured maps playlist is too "premium oriented". And I do know I could easily be blowing it out of proportion. If so, I apologise in advance and will go back to my cave (It's comfy there).

    And Draw The Line, have you ever seen "Deal or no deal"? You'd change your mind over the idiotic things people do on the show =p.
  7. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    i know you arent. im simply stating my story. i released many map and studied things hard to find a formula for maps that stand out. people dont just sign up and get featured. all the people who get featured did their time and worked hard to make something that stands out in every category.
  8. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    This has been such a good discussion. I wish I could give pretty much all of you +rep. And I'm glad there's been so much Loyal/Premium/Staff presence here. Way to stay on top of things guys.

    And me? I'm just late to the party, as always. :(
    This was such an excellent post that I wanted to quote it.
    One thing I want to add to it was this: One thing that may give the more well known forgers around here an upperhand is just the very fact that they're so well known.
    Our friend's lists are usually full, and we pretty much never have a problem getting a party together to test our maps. That's just how it goes.

    But really anyone can get well known if they work hard enough, are patient, post well and make friends. We were all just normal guys once, so there's chances for everyone.
    Someone's already done this I believe. A fishtank made by some guy named NeverlessWonder. I dunno. It's debatable I suppose..

    They really do. The staff and higher ups at FH really do try their best to be fair with things.
    Something. likes this.
  9. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    Alright silence, you know how hard it is to detect a person's tone of voice on the Internet =p.

    As for the originality comment by Cosmic Rick, at times I'd have to disagree. Sometimes straight up beautiful gameplay will suck me in more than a twist to classic map geometry, or a special feature in a map .
  10. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    HAHA, it's incredibly hard to get featured just from the start, and when you do, then you get raped with attention, lol

    But otherwise there are a lot of side peoplez that are pretty good... but don't get crap unless they've got a rep. So pretty much you gotta get your name known around here (that usually takes around 2 months), then you'll probly have better outcomes and stuff.

    Yeah, you can make a good map... but you gotta keep doing that. See with me, I made Sky Island (the floating objects phase) and that just starting EVERYTHING... But somehow I didn't get anything while other peoplez *cough* TDF *cough* make a Sky Island map and they go up the ladder. I guess it could've been the fact that I didn't make great maps after that, which TDF just went crazy and made like 10 more crazy maps.

    It may be a time thing also... if you've got the time to do all this the you've probly got it good... Well, I just don't have that much time to forge, be with friends, go to school, not get grounded. So if you've made a crazy good map then you'd better keep it up and keep doing it.

    So whatevz... you can do what you wanna try, but I thought i'd give somthing cuz I'm kind of experienced that sudden popularity... then just go down the drain (probly no-one knows me xcept for my 360 friends and maybe sum people here).

    Good luck to anyone that wants to make it to the top! lol
  11. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    I don't feel this way at all. I give the lower ranked and everyone else the same respect I give mods. Take Da hitman as an example
  12. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    From what I've seen quite a few people post there original map. They receive a few suggestions and then modify the map. Then, rush out a new version. Sometimes map creators need to analyze the map rather then change everything the map is critiqued on. I agree with what the people said before me. Test, test, test, and test to work out all the kinks before you post.
  13. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    It truly seems like only the over rated forgers will get most features. Every now and then an underrated forger may have his/her chance of glory. But I do agree with you. Most of those forgers I respect but their maps arent the best. Most of them just look nice and are clean and neat.

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