OK, I have just started to use this for my maps and have found something thats making me worried about my map. I don't know if thhis is supposed to happen though but halfway through building my map, it shows that I only have like 100 dollars left and when I put something in, it goes down. Is that supposed to happen or is something screwed up? Also is there a way to fix it because I would hate having to start my map all over.
Yep, your screwed, sorry. It happens if you save to far in, so you gotta set yourself up with enough time to sit down and do in one sitting. There isn't a way to fix it as I know of. It happened to me, it sucks, I'm very sorry. It is just one of those things you learn from experience.
Sgt Uniden, go to the forging 101 section of the forums and look for ultimate budget glitch. It should be one of the first threads.