30 new achievements leaked at PAX! (pics!)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by SCUPizzaBoy, Sep 2, 2008.

  1. TheGreatHibiki

    TheGreatHibiki Ancient
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    My train of thoughts are always interesting. leaps of logic that seemingly come from nowhere is my specialty. And yeah I saw that Post by Rcon. I dunno but if bungie acts like him I doubt we'll see these maps. As Bungie usually is, they'll be late because of something else but we'll knowjust enough to tease us for the week or so it takes to fix them and release them.

    Thing is with 6 new maps, revisions of 4 maps and other possible items i have a feeling I'll be needing to delete some room on my HD for it all.
  2. Boydeh ..

    Boydeh .. Ancient
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    Dam new achievements!
    I just got 1000 !!
    Well makes the game more fun i guess .. =]
  3. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I'm glad you showed us this, because that post is now gone. This is officially confirmed. Now we only need to wait 2 days for the official announcement! Hopefully some pictures will ensue.
  4. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    They'll probably even put a playlist in for that day so you get to start from 0 exp. without having to not play a playlist for half a year.

    EDIT: Maybe if you get all the new exp. you get recon or something as well, because now they have to make a new reward for all the achievements.
  5. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Lol I opened this last night when only nemi had posted..and than never posted.

    I originally thought this was fake, but those seemed like too good photoshops to me. I just find it strange how large of GS points you gain for doing such simple things (a flag kill on avalanche? come on). But this seems to be true, and it's looking like AU2 and further on is going to be great.

    What I also find strange is leaked rumors that seem to be true. I remember a couple weeks ago when someone posted a link to a post where a guy had looked into the recent XBL update and found a whole bunch of halo related things such as map names. First, he was proven right on the naming of assembly, and now if memory serves the other map names all prove to be true. Bungie says they don't want these things leaked but maybe the do because it really is too their advantage..
  6. Sub_Z3r0

    Sub_Z3r0 Ancient
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    that would be cool

    that would be cool, but bungie did say that there will be NO new armor:cry: . i dont understand why:confused:; if there was new armor so many people would come back to halo3.
  7. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I really don't think people would come back to Halo 3 simply for new armor...maps yes, armor....definitely not. The armor is coded into the game so as it is very difficult to add more than what is already there. If they could add more, they would. Its as simple as that.
  8. SCUPizzaBoy

    SCUPizzaBoy Ancient
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    #48 SCUPizzaBoy, Sep 3, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2008
  9. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    Bungie, has officially taken over the planet.. o.o
  10. Skorpius47

    Skorpius47 Ancient
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    I'm still a bit confused as to what all of this is supposed to be about.

    Is "Mythic" a massive DLC download along side the Title Update 2?
    Are there new Campaign missions?
    Are there skulls on Multiplayer maps?
    I've been hearing rumors of a full-blowm Map Maker. Is this still rumor?

    Nonetheless, I'm stoked for Halo 3 updates.
  11. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    According to the information on the thread, there are six new maps that make up the Mythic map pack. The AU update is independent of that.
    Not that we're aware of. I doubt it.
    The achievements listed in the OP make it look like there will be skulls in the new maps.
    Bungie denied the existnace of bots being introduced into the game, as well as objects from campaign. They never said there wasn't a new just for forging map being made. In the achievements section there is a map called sandbox, which is rumored to be that forge map.

    Me too!
  12. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    Freedom of the Press :)
    He can get as pissed as he wants, but he can't do a damn thing about it.
    Can't wait for Friday, and more importantly, the 25th.
  13. Mr. Moustache

    Mr. Moustache Ancient
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    Wow, so it wasn't intentional. Tsk tsk, Bungie. They gotta pay more attention.
    This is still going to be ****ing awesome. I look foward to Friday's update.
  14. Rogue Shadow IV

    Rogue Shadow IV Ancient
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    Right now I think that Heretic is a remake of the Campaign level in Halo2 the one with the Heritics.
  15. Mr. Moustache

    Mr. Moustache Ancient
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    Citadel is definitely Forerunner, Heretic sounds like the Arbiter or Sacred Icon ( I think)
  16. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    That is weird. I guess I have to believe it is true. But when I saw this I was all like No effing way.
  17. desert rat 852

    desert rat 852 Ancient
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    Im gonna take a shot at what the maps are going to be. Ill also take a guess at the achievements.

    Assembly: We know about this, so no big deal here.

    Heretic: Undeniably Forerunner, Possibly something like Colosuss or Prisoner

    Citadel: This one's got me good, Im guessing an Ark Cartographer style structure you can fight in Around It, possibly BTB.

    Orbital: Probably Moonbase Alpha.

    Sandbox: I bet this is the map we saw in the G4 acceptance video. Itll put Foundry to shame.

    Longshore: Ill bet this is a remake, Death Island or Relic, possibly Uplift.

    Ill bet the Achievements for the maps are actual skulls that can only be found in single player custom games.

    OMFGDRPHL Ancient
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    Assembly seems more like a large derelict then a large midship. If there was a midship remake, it wouldn't be that large. Midship was more about sticks, melees, and rockets.
    My source.
  19. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    No new armor in the Halo game we have but if Mythic is going to be as big as it's shaping up to be, it might be a second disk. Could explain why the helmet that came with Legendary Edition has room for three cases.
  20. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Wasn't that for Halo 1, 2, and 3? I'm fairly certain it was.

    Annnyways, I could see them releasing a hard copy version that contains all of the recent DLC maps (That would make 12 total on a disk), for folks that don't have xbox live, or refuse to buy live points.

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