The Rebel Camp

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by SABRE88, Sep 3, 2008.

  1. SABRE88

    SABRE88 Ancient
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    A new map for the classic gametype Predator!!!

    First off, this map is like no predator map before it, at least to my knowledge. Since I started playing predator, I have seen the same basic map reused almost 50 times, basically, everyone edits a few things and calls it their own, but the map wasn't that great in general even prior to the re-editing. I don't know who made it, or who came up with the gametype, but here is my take on an awesome form of infection!!

    Note: I wanted to use the original predator movie for my inpiration in this map, however, its pretty hard to re-make a jungle in foundry. Essentially, what seperates this map from the rest is the gameplay.

    One important part of playing predator is teamwork. What better way to make people use teamwork than to seperate everyone from the start forcing them to find and help one another. I created a spawn area outside of the map, in a couple of double boxes. When the humans spawn they have a small selection of weapons to acompany their shotgun. If they so choose they can pick up one of only a few BR's, a Brute shot with only 6 shots(Grenade launcher), or a Turret (mini-gun.) After the humans have what the want, they must go through a teleporter. The teleporter scatters everyone around the map, creating a few small pairs. The humans must work together and meet up, or else everyone will be killed while they are alone.

    Since there are no objects that can help me recreate a jungle in foundry, I decided to create a few areas of narrow passages. With a few doubles boxes standing on their end, I created some very scary congested zones that are scary for the humans.

    -There are a few "safe zones" which still are not safe if everyone isn't working together, they're really only more open areas that give a better view so the predator can be seen.

    -There are only a few weapons scattered on the map, including another turret, a hidden flamethrower, and a hidden trip mine. The map is not interlocked, however it is nicely made.

    -There are many obstacles to create a chaotic and scary feeling.

    GAMETYPE: Predator
    I created what I think is a pretty balanced variant of Predator. Again, I don't know who originally created it but here's my version of it.

    In my game variant, the Predator is Invisible, has 50% gravity, and has a spartan laser. The Predator is easy to kill and is only slightly faster than humans. The reason for the zombie being almost normal speed is that I believe with good camo a splazer and low gravity, the predator should be able to pick off the stragglers easily, so if they are impatient and go after a large group, they will die, as they should die, because thats not how a predator kills! Anyways, the Predator has no shields, so a well placed shotgun shot will kill it. Humans have no radar, limited ammo, and only 1 life. The only advantage they have is their numbers. Camping is definitely not an option... Oh and most importantly, there is a 4 or 5 minute time limit to speed up gameplay. A few of the predator games I have played have lasted over an hour. Thats not cool...

    Humans spawn out of the map and have to quickly pick up a weapon if desired, and head through the teleporter. If they choose to stay in the spawn, fusion coils will come and crash their party after 60 seconds.
    After they go through the teleporter, they are slpit up and sent out of different receiver nodes.
    Only teamwork will keep you alive!
    Just a random picture showing one of the "safe zones"
    Camping is not an option...

    The screenshots don't really show the map, to see this map and enjoy this map it should really be played :/
    #1 SABRE88, Sep 3, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2008
  2. Kilosphere1337

    Kilosphere1337 Ancient
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    woah, nice work, and yeah i have seen the same predator map used too many times, I love the idea of getting separated at the start.
  3. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    I would'nt have made the predator have a spartan lazer because it reveals his location of where he is. I know he has one in the movie but. 4.5/5, I will download and come back with a review of the gameplay. :)

    EDIT: Ok, I have played it it with 9 people and it was quite fun, I was wrong about the spartan lazer, Sorry if I offended you in any way. The gameplay was good, I had a little look around while we were playing it, I seen a little bit of interlocking and I did'nt see merging, And BTW, I don't like the way the humans gravity is low, You can't get up on some places on the map. :\
    #3 STEClash96, Sep 3, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2008
  4. Unasareru

    Unasareru Ancient
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    I love it, I think the predator should be a little more cautious. Makes things more interesting.
  5. criggs3c

    criggs3c Ancient
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    yea i think the splazer is a great idea. also you've inspired me to download predator and you're map, the only reason i didnt dl predator is because i didnt like the original map, so well done =) 5/5 and a dl
  6. B3NJ4M1N08

    B3NJ4M1N08 Ancient
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    Impressive. Can't wait to try this map out. Expect a full review from me soon.
  7. SABRE88

    SABRE88 Ancient
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    Well it does reveal the predator, but if the predator plays smart they won't try and laser the humans from a distance the humans can kill them. In my game variant the predator has no shields, but isnt instantly killed. It's really fair. The predator reveals himself when he lunges at someone too right? If there is another human around the zombie can be killed easily when they reveal themselves. Its about stealth and picking off the stagglers. The campers get dealth with the splazer, but if the people arent camping, theres a ton of cover. If they are in the main part of the map though, they have to then be worried about the predator jumping down on their head and cutting them open. You can play the map with any game settings you wan't, it's just I find mine to be more balanced and fair. I think the splazer eliminates camping pretty well, and that was something I wanted to sort of eliminate from the while Predator gametype.

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